The ACORN situation has Matt Drudge so excited, he’s goin’ to Disneyworld! Drudge’s top headline today is "ACORN REGISTERS ‘MICKEY MOUSE’" referring to the revelation that some of ACORN’s canvassers were turning in applications with fake names and information in order to meet their daily quota. Drudge and the GOP are screaming "voter fraud" to anyone who’ll listen, but as far as we can tell, nothing happened except a bunch of lazy ACORN canvassers tried to pull a fast one so they started registering "Mickey Mouse" and the entire Dallas Cowboys starting lineup in order to get their 8 bucks an hour without having to walk around all day.
Of course, we’ll never know what really happened until the investigation is completed. Which is why we’re very excited to have a sneak peak into the ACORN hearing currently underway! Let’s see what they’ve found out…
Check out the latest News on The ACORN INVESTIGATION on our International Blog
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Hi Robert,
I read your post about ACORN’s criminal structure, where you do a
comprehensive investigation of the organization’s corrupt practices. I think the following video will fit well in your post:
It uses news coverage from multiple sources to detail the recent criminal activity of ACORN members. The video features commentary on ACORN’s charter, arguments for a move to de-fund the organization, and a description of the Maryland wiretap statue that has caused controversy. I hope you will consider embedding the video in your blog. videos analyze global news coverage from multiple sources. This unique way of presenting the news gives viewers comprehensive updates on news events.
Please let me know if you have any questions
Rosa Sow
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