It is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to protect your body. It is found in nature, and it gives you a wonderful array of natural sugar. Consuming honey will promote a healthy immune system. It can also heal the wounds on the skin surface. Let’s look at 10 benefits of honey.
Reduce weight
Honey contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. These elements in combination can promote cholesterol and fat metabolism. This, in turn, can help to maintain body weight and keep obesity at bay. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice and honey on an empty stomach early in the morning is one of the simplest ways to lose weight. Doing this assists the detoxification, cleansing the liver, removing toxins and flushing the fat out of the body.
There are nutraceuticals in honey, which makes this liquid superior for eradicating free radicals from your body. Consequently, it helps to improve the body immune system and defend us against many severe physical conditions, even including potentially fatal ones like cancer or heart disease.
Cough suppressant
When it comes to pesky colds, honey can be a very effective natural cure. Two teaspoons of honey can be a simple and good remedy for a stubborn cough that won’t go away. This remedy is especially helpful for children between 1 and 5 years old. You can observe that the night time cough due to colds will be less frequent if they drink two teaspoons of honey about half an hour before bed. Thus, honey is widely considered to be as useful as the common cough suppressant ingredient dextromethorphan. It can also be used as an assisting treatment for upper respiratory tract infections.
Cure for raspy or sore throat
Honey is a great remedy for the throat problem. When your throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. You can also put some slices of lemon or kumquat into the honey and let the combination rest overnight before drinking it. Repeat sipping every three hours until your throat is back to normal without any symptoms.
Reduce bloating, gas and acid reflux
Honey can help to protect the stomach wall by coating it. This also means that it has the ability to clean the system of bad bacteria and heal any infection. Thus it can treat the symptoms of bloating, gas and acid reflux. Honey’s smooth texture and composition can significantly facilitate the activities of the stomach.
Facilitate digestion
Honey can reduce constipation, bloating and gas partly thanks to it being a mild laxative. Also, honey is very rich in probiotic, commonly known as the friendly bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. It thus helps a lot with your digestion process, enhances the health of the immune system as well was reduce allergies. Using honey to replace table sugar has been proved to defend the toxic effects in the gut of mycotoxins produced by fungi.
Improve athletic performance
Honey is a superior ergogenic aid. It helps to boost the performance of athletes. It is also a great way to maintain the blood sugar levels within the normal range, muscle recuperation, and glycogen restoration after a tough workout session. Honey regulates the amount of insulin in the body and controls the energy expenditure. Consuming honey is always one of the priorities in athletes’ diets.
Regulate blood sugar
Despite its sweet flavor, those who are suffering from diabetes can still consume and enjoy it without a problem. The fact is, honey can assist in regulating the blood sugar levels due to the combination of glucose and fructose. It is recommended that people who are suffering from Type 1 diabetes should eat one tablespoon of honey every day. The minerals, vitamins and antioxidants properties in honey are at the same time highly beneficial. However, as it is sweeter, you should use a lesser amount of honey than sugar.
Beat insomnia
People have been suffering from insomnia at a higher rate than ever. Honey is, in fact, a simple and effective solution for the sleeping trouble. As Honey is a fat-digesting carbohydrate, it stimulates insulin and allows tryptophan to penetrate into the brain easily.
Honey and antiseptic properties
Doctors commonly prefer using hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds so that they will heal quickly. The same chemical is also present in honey and in a very good amount. This chemical is released by diluting honey into water or body fluids. When honey is applied on the open wounds, especially burn areas, the glucose present in honey gradually dilutes and thus it releases hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to its viscous constituency, honey can prevent wounds from sticking and dressing. There are just a little or no scars after healing.
The danger of sugar has been so widespread that a lot of people mistakenly think that anything sweet is automatically harmful. While refined sugars can be bad for our body, the natural sugar in honey is an excellent way to nourish your health. 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey should be an ideal start for your day.