10 quick tips to keep your orchids looking gorgeous
Orchids are a large family of over 30,000 natural sorts and a multitude of hybrids that thrive in most tropical climate zones. World’s largest orchid growers are in
There are a few common, popular and preferred home planting varieties of orchid such as Ascocenda, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Miltonia, Odontoglossums, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis and Vanda.
Some of these require more water such as Miltonias, Cymbidiums, Paphiopedilums and Odontoglossums.
Yet, some do not need much water or care, such as the Vanda, Ascocenda and the Phalaenopsis Orchids. You can usually just water them once a week.
We will not be able to look at the details for each type of orchid. For e.g., we will not examine the detail of orchids that originate in tropical and tropical highland regions where high humidity is needed and we may have to grow them in separate glazed space (orchidarium). Thus, we will only concentrate on the part of the tips that apply to orchid in general.
Tip one
Get a book on orchid growing, read it thoroughly and seek answer for questions you may have. Get on to web-literature for extra knowledge and orchid tips. Learn as much as you can about the orchids you are about to grow. Pay attention to their daily needs so that you can give them what that they need to bloom beautifully.
Tip two
Identify the existing environment and conditions in your home. Locate a suitable place (indoor, outdoor, or garden) in the house where you want to plant your orchid.
Tip three
Select orchids with nature that fit to the place you have prepared at your living home. Consult your orchid shop before you make your final decision to buy.
Tip four – Lighting
Never position your orchid directly under strong sunlight. Instead it should be placed under shade with light being filtered to reduce undesired glare. Yet, sufficient lighting is still a must for successful orchid cultivation. Get more lights for the plant if the leaves are light green. Decrease light if they are dark green. Avoid any light if foliages have sunburn.
Tip five – Temperature and Humidity
Orchid is adaptable to a wide range of temperatures. Provide night temperatures between 12 – 16 ËšC (55 to 60 ËšF) and day temperatures 24 – 35ËšC (75 to 95 ËšF). Plants can tolerate temperatures of up to 38ËšC or 100 ËšF, if shading, humidity and air circulation are increased.
Prefer humidity is 40-60%. Humidity tray is needed if air is too dry.
Tip six – Watering
Depending upon the temperature, orchid should be watered daily in summer, 1-2 times a week in spring and autumn, and once a week in winter. The rule of thumb is more heat more water, less heat less water.
Tip seven – Fertilizer
Plants must be fertilized on a regular basis fortnightly. Reduce amount of fertilization if salt is built up around edges of pot. Plants should be pre-watered before applying fertilizer for better result. Make sure you purchase the right fertilizer and follow the directions specified in the packet or container.
Tip eight – Potting
Use orchid bark, coarse, charcoal or coconut peel to pot. Divide the plant and pot in separate pots once a year after the full bloom. Otherwise, spring will be the best time to do the orchid split. Prune away dead root while making the separation. Splitting allows faster orchid growth and stimulation to bloom.
Tip nine – pest and bacteria
Bacteria and pest are two common causes that kill plants. Pests will wither foliage and bacteria will burn leaves into black circle spots. Use encapsulated pyrethrum time-release insecticide for pest control. Cut the plant leaf with black spot foliage so that the bacteria cannot spread. Spray with bacteria and fungal control drug such as Physan – 20 once a month.
Tip ten – music and chat
Last but not least is to turn on soft music for about 30 minutes before you retire at night. Talk to your plant about 5 -10 minutes in the morning when you get up.
I am pretty certain you will have a nice orchid bloom around your house somewhere next spring if you follow my 10 orchid tips tentatively. So, enjoy your planting with good success.
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