11 Super simple tips that will get you hired fast

Getting a call for a job interview is exciting. It vindicates your suitability for the job that got your potential employer interested enough to give an interview call. But, even reaching the stage of getting a call is a battle that is as intense as the one for landing the job during the interview. A well-written resume can help you land the dream job.  Skim through the article to learn how to get hired fast.

  • Searching for the job in the right way:

    Rifling through “wanted columns” in a newspaper is time consuming and even seeking jobs on a job portal aimlessly can become mind boggling. You can save a lot of time, if you use advanced search options on job boards. It will save a lot of time homing in on to the jobs that meet your profile.

  • Search relentlessly:

    Don’t stop applying for jobs even if you keep getting rejected. You may also get lucky to get inundated with multiple job offers for you to pick and choose the best.

  • Résumé cover letter is important:

    A nicely drafted cover letter will prevent your resume from getting overlooked, since it would mention in the first paragraph itself what you can do for the company. So, learn to write a good cover letter to improve your chances of getting hired.

  • Draft a great resume to get hired fast: 

    A resume needs to be eye-catching. It is not only your qualifications, but also the way you present them in your resume that matters. So, learn how to write a good resume. An infographic resume can help you get hired fast if you are applying for graphics designer job.

  • Match your resume to the job:

    Blindly sending your standard resume for all kinds of jobs may not get any response. You have to edit and tweak it to match it as closely as possible to the job on offer. This calls for drafting a ‘targeted resume’.

  • Mention only relevant experience in your résumé:

    If you think you can impress the recruiter by the number of years of your experience, think again. It doesn’t impress,as it may not be relevant to the job you have applied for. Therefore, make sure to tweak the resume according to the job profile.

  • Appearance matters:

    It is well-known that first impression is the last impression. This is true for job interviews, for HR managers can judge even before you open your mouth. So, take care to dress appropriately for the interview, in accordance with the type of job applied for.

  • Act natural:

    Seasoned recruiters easily detect rehearsed answers and fake smiles, so be your natural self.  Hence, never try to mislead the recruiters and be truthful in your answers. Truthfulness itself is an important trait that recruiters look for, amongst other traits and qualifications.

  • Share your experience and skills in detail:

    Simply blurting out your experience and skills that are already mentioned in your resume won’t hold the recruiter’s interest. Share these through storytelling by recounting how you handled specific situations in your previous jobs.

  • Don’t malign previous employer:

    No employer is ideal and if you have had problems with your previous one, interview is not the forum to air your grievances. This projects an absolutely negative picture about you to the recruiter.

  • Don’t skip sending a thank you note:

    You may also send a thank you note after a job interview, irrespective of the selection status. This conveys your appreciation to recruiter for giving you a call and displays your continued interest in the job.

In addition to the above mentioned tips,  research well for the job and prepare well for the interview. There is no reason why you won’t get hired fast, provided you possess the required qualifications and experience.

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