180 Quintals honey produced in Baramulla district



Baramulla/Srinagar, May 05  (Scoop News) – Bee Keeping is a centuries old potential rural cottage industry of Kashmir & it play a dynamic role in agriculture economy & maintenance of logical system. This was stated by Director Agriculture Kashmir Dr. Farooq A. Lone while inaugurating the Bee Keeping Awareness Camp Cum Hive distribution held at Khwaja Bagh Baramulla today. He said Bee Keeping has tremendous potential for its expansion besides provide employment opportunities to the jobless youth. He advised farmers to opt this activity in bigger way as it has great market potential in the state as well as the outside state. Keeping in view the abundance of fauna & flora the valley has the potential for honey production. He said that honey processing unit will be established at district for which he directed chief agriculture officer to submit detailed project report.

            Joint Director Agriculture Extension M.S. Katoo said that department is committed to provide every assistance to the farming community to help them to boost various agriculture & allied sectors by providing latest technical knowhow to get maximum yield. He advised farmers to take benefits of the various schemes launched by the department & cooperated with field functionaries for successful implementation of schemes.

            Chief Agriculture Officer Baramulla Hilal Ahmad said that there is 1760 Bee Colonies in district and 180 quintals of honey produced during last year. Among others present on the occasion officers and officials of department besides large number of farmers participated.

            At the conclusion of the function Director distributed 233 colonies/hives among the 95 participating farmers worth Rs. 4.52 lacs. Later on Director inspected private Bee keeping units of district Baramulla and during interaction with Beekeepers he assured them that department will provide all possible assistant & technical knowhow. Beekeepers appreciated the rule of agriculture department for upliftment of Beekeeping industry.





Scoop News: Jammu and Kashmir
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