2 Dental Conditions Which Are Easy To Avoid If Only You Follow These Simple Rules

Proper oral health is without a doubt the best way of mitigating serious dental issues down the road. The fact of the matter is that in the US alone, the second most common ailment is none other than dental cavities also known as decayed teeth. However, what most people do not realize is that it is all within their power to prevent this problem and by extension saving them a lot of pain and money down the road.

Ever since we were children, we have always been taught to take care of our teeth but as we grow older and more independent in our ways most of us throw away this good advice through the window. Well, here is a little refresher course on what you need to do to ensure that you have proper oral and dental hygiene. It is really a very straightforward process that is devoid of esoterica.

As always prevention is better than cure, brush your teeth at least twice each day using the proper toothbrush and toothpaste. Floss them even more, making sure that you get to those hard-to-get-to places between the teeth where food loves to hide. Eat a fully balanced diet to ensure that your teeth get the proper nutrition and visit your dentist often to have potential problems nipped in the bud, way before they get out of hand.

  • Periodontal (Gum Disease)– Here is a scary research finding which should prompt you to take good care of your teeth. Research has proven that there is a solid link between gum disease and heart attacks and strokes. This is an infection of the gums which surround the teeth and is the major cause of tooth loss among adults.

There are two main identifiable stages in gum disease and they are; gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease (it is reversible) while periodontitis (chronic inflammatory response) is the latter stage and it leads to tooth and bone loss. As mentioned above, to avoid checking the yelp page of dentists, regular dental checkups, brushing the teeth at least twice a day and flossing as much will go a very long way in preventing this condition.

  • Tooth Erosion – As the name suggests, this is the literal eroding of teeth which leads to the loss of tooth structure. It is caused by acid, which is a byproduct of oral bacteria breaking down sugars in the mouth, attacking and compromising the structural integrity of the tooth.

This can lead to tooth sensitivity to more serious conditions like tooth cracking and it is a very common condition. The good news is that it can be very easily prevented; avoiding that trip to the dentists in Aurora Co, by following these simple rules; after drinking acidic foods or beverages, rinse your mouth with plain water to neutralize the acid. Cut back on fizzy carbonated drinks, replacing them with water, milk or unsweetened coffee and tea.

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