Categories: PoliticsUS


The presence of the Americans at the elections turnout to be a record for the last 48 years.Since 1960,the year when J.F.Kenneny was standing for the White House,there were never recorded  130 million votes in the first eight hours from the opening of the  polling stations,as now. Analysts consider that the turnout is motivated by the  emergence of Obama-mania among U.S. citizens.

The democratic candidate ,Barack Obama, has came to vote followed by his wife Michelle and his two daughters.

The two candidates want to succeed George W. Bush althought they are represent two different generations:: Barack Obama is 47 years old , and John McCain -72. Their values and visions are very different, even they are both saying  that this means an important challenge and a start for the a new way of living.
Obama will win the polls  with more than  62 percent of the votes in New York, the financial center , but most lickely,he will win in his State of origin, Hawaii, where he  owns 63 percent of the voting options.
New Mexico and Colorado are the only two states in the south where the  his advantage is probably due to the large number of hispanics and immigrants who live in this area.
In the Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma, McCain holds more than 60 percent. Somewhat surprising is the fact that the Republican has a consistent advantage in Alaska, the native state of the Vice President or, as the polls are showing -where  Obama holds 37 percent of votes compared to the 55 percents holded by  McCain.

No matter which one of the candidates will win the elections,because in both cases,there will be a premiere party for the Americans:the first black president or the first woman vicepresident.

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