Pain is a condition that creates uneasy feelings in the body. Pain can be felt in the musculoskeletal region of the body comprising the muscles, joints, tendons or ligaments, and bones. It could also be neuropathic, affecting the nerve system.
Generally, pain is classified as either acute or chronic. Acute pain is a result of injuries caused by accidents while chronic pain occurs or when the body is exposed to an infection or diseases. The sources of acute pain include sprain, fracture, or dislocation. On the other hand, chronic pain is usually a manifestation of an infection or disease, and could last longer periods if not properly treated.
The period of time pain lasts varies, but essentially, it depends on the pain management strategies adopted by each individual. Here are 4 effective strategies for pain control that work perfectly for everybody.
Take pain relief medications
Taking painkillers help to reduce pain quickly. They provide quick relief from pain but do not necessarily eliminate the pain. They’re used as pain control measures to support on-going treatment of painful conditions.
Ideally, you should use medications prescribed by your physician, but nothing stops you from getting more information about drugs such as codeine which is a major analgesic for bringing about pain relief.
Manage stress
Stress management is a very good strategy for pain control. You could take pain pills regularly, but if you’re not managing stress, your efforts might likely not produce desired effects. This is because stress is a major cause of tension and it often produces pain in the body.
Stress could be managed by relaxing your muscles, getting adequate rest and maintaining a work-life balance. If you look closely, people who do not take vacations at work mostly have constant issues with pain.
Use good ergonomics
There’s no doubt that poor posture is a major source of acute pain. People who maintain uncomfortable postures for lengthy periods often suffer ergonomic pains. And this is more rampant in the wrist region (for those who frequently use the computer), back and neck region.
Ergonomics aims at reducing stress and eliminating injuries that are associated with conditions like poor posture and recurring tasks. To avoid ergonomic pain, just try to improve your posture when sitting or standing, and position yourself properly when you lift, reach for, or move objects.
Exercise regularly
Participating in regular movements or exercises improves your body’s strength, and more importantly, reduce pain. When in pain, you’d likely reduce your activities but this will never alleviate your pain a bit.
The ideal thing to do in this kind of situation is to perform light exercises that would not cause further discomfort. Make slow movements, lift parts of your body that have been stationary for long, and watch your pain go away slowly.
The causes of pain are different, each requiring different approaches for their treatments. However, these pain management strategies are effective for all the different kinds of pains. But it is instructive to note that your recovery period depends essentially on how diligent you implement these strategies.