4 Ways to Encourage Wellness Among Your Employees

Healthy employees mean happy employees. Even better, health improves productivity and ensures higher work performance. Clearly, this is beneficial for both the employees and your company. Because of the fact that healthy employees are more likely to do a better job, and reduce absenteeism, you should consider introducing some kind of wellness program at the office. However, there is always a chance of someone opposing this idea.

If that happens you should include rewards for those who try and work on their health. This would be great motivation for them, so they would be far more satisfied and gladly go to work. If you like this idea, you should research your employees’ stance on working out and leading a healthy lifestyle. You should also find out how they would feel if, for example, a gym was built in your office building.

Maybe you could implement a trial version of a wellness program, just to see how the employees would react. It is worth noting that some of the biggest companies are already doing this, and have been for a few years now. And while you are thinking about this idea, here are a few suggestions that could help you encourage your workers to be more active.

Open a gym at the premises

This is probably one of the best perks an office could have. Not only is it convenient because of its proximity, but its existence serves as a reminder for the workers that they could start working out any time they like. Moreover, the membership is free since they work in the building. This perk is great for both health and financial reasons.

Most people stay away from gyms because they are too lazy to go to one, claiming that it’s too far away. Well, if there was a gym at the office, this excuse couldn’t be used anymore. For example, the employees could exercise before or after work. Or even during breaks, if time allows. Obviously, this is a suitable solution, and an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.

You could also equip the office with furniture that doubles as exercise equipment. For example, you could offer standing desks, treadmill desks, soft balls instead of chairs, or any other idea you might come across. It works great as the employees could work and exercise at the same time.

Offer special courses like yoga or Pilates

There are different types of people in every office. They differ in many things, and one of those are ways in which they like to work out. Some prefer hardcore gym visits, with machines and weights, while others would rather choose yoga, Pilates or any similar set of isometric strength and stretching exercises. Yoga, for instance, is relaxing and brings peace of mind. For that reason, it is a great option for working people who are constantly stressed and pushed to their limits by excess work and deadlines. It could help your employees reduce stress levels and increase their productivity, as well as put them in a good mood.

Introduce mandatory breaks

Sometimes people get too involved in their work that they overwork themselves and forget to press pause. This strict regime could mess with their mental and physical state, in a bad way. That is why taking breaks from time to time is crucial. It allows for the brain to relax and refill its batteries. Your employee’s action of overworking themselves could result in a major drop in efficiency.

Moreover, their immune system could start to fail, resulting in sickness and several days spent away from work. Obviously, this is not a good way of functioning. So, what you are supposed to do is introduce mandatory breaks, at least twice a day, or one big break.

Of course you already have lunch breaks, but employees tend to skip them if there is too much work to be done. Therefore, your job is to stop that from happening because it goes against the employees’ health. For example, have two 30-minutes breaks during a working day.

This would give them enough time to lunch, go for coffee, stop by the office coffee machine, or rest. Certainly it works in their favour.

Just don’t forget to make them obligatory, no matter how much they oppose leaving their work. After all, it is only 30 minutes of their time.

Offer rewards for those who take care of their health

This is a motivation that would definitely work. Tell your employees that those who workout and take care of their health would be rewarded in some way. For instance, give them salary bonuses or some type of goodies like sneakers, workout equipment, etc. Of course, they would receive this after a certain amount of time has passed. You could even offer a day off. In case you have a gym at the office, reward those who use it.

In order to be sure who is working out and who isn’t, make sure you track the employees. You could do this with some of the best human resource software, just like you would track their other activities like job performance.

Changing someone’s routine is a hard nut to crack. People are not willing to change out of the blue; they need to be inspired to do so. Therefore, think about having a lecture on the importance of health, which would serve as an incentive for the employees. Hopefully they would see the good side of things and activate themselves. Teaching them why this is important is the first step towards successfully starting a wellness program at your office.

Vladimir Zivanovic: I am a blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. I simply love computer games, especially World of Warcraft, which I have been playing since the beginning. I like surfing the Internet, looking for awkward facts and using them when people least expect.
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