As you know it, getting fit doesn’t need to be expensive and flashy. You just need a comfortable space, your favorite training outfit and yourself to get started.
If you are thinking about calisthenics as a mean of everyday workout, then you are right!
The word calisthenics comes from the Greek word kalos, meaning beauty and sthenos, meaning strength. Combining the two word and you have a workout that uses your own body weight and qualities of inertia as a means to develop your physique.
Calisthenics has evolved through the years. From a simple sit ups and push ups, now fitness enthusiasts develop a new kind of calisthenics called “Street Workout”.
Now, I won’t talk more about that as I would just going to emphasize more on how calisthenics would benefit your body compared to regular cardiovascular training or weight lifting.
Now, calisthenics is done without any gym equipment, gear or apparatus. In essence, calisthenics is all about body-weight training, which is consist of strength, fitness, core training, flexibility and more.
This includes pushing yourself up, bending, jumping, swinging, resistance training or pulling. Now, any calisthenics routine is beneficial for you, whether you do simple workout routine or complex exercises.
So what are the benefits of calisthenics training? Read on!
Full Body Workout
Calisthenics is considered an all-around workout regimen that is perfect for both beginners and seasoned athletes.
Almost all types of calisthenics work the entire body. For example, a simple push up or pull up, you not only work your arms and shoulders, but you also doing your whole back and abs a great workout.
Calisthenics promotes whole body coordination and will lead to more fat and calorie burning, muscle development, and more strength.
Perfect Weight Loss Program
Nobody would think that doing calisthenics alone can get you fit faster than your regular morning jog. Plus, weight loss shouldn’t be difficult because of unsafe dieting, expensive dietary supplements, and painful surgeries.
Doing body workouts means that your body needs more oxygen which leads to harder heart and respiratory work. This makes calisthenics so beneficial for your cardiovascular and other health system.
Calisthenics moves are so complex and will have all your muscle groups to work together. Therefore, you will burn more calories as a fuel for your muscles.
Builds Strength and Muscle Mass Fast
Most bodybuilders claim that calisthenics alone won’t build huge muscle mass as you are depending solely on your body weight.
While this is true in some point, calisthenics do promote muscle mass development if done the right way.
While lifting weights can indeed fasten your bodybuilding program, calisthenics provides a better, leaner, ripper and more defined body.
I mean, do you really want to have huge body wherein you can get scrutinize with the way you look? I don’t think so!
A fit and perfect muscle to fat ratio is the best and healthy way of workout. Plus, more muscles mean improved strength and endurance.
Get a Ripped and Hard Abdominal Core
Most people dream of that six-packed abs, and you have to admit that it is insanely difficult to achieve this feat.
This is where calisthenics comes in!
When you do calisthenics, you only not developing your major muscle groups but your very own abdominal core!
Calisthenics helps train your core and believe me, it will be challenged at every move. Calisthenics will help you get those six or even eight-packed abs.
Plus, you may also get that v-cut that you’ve always wanted.
Calisthenics is for Everyone
Calisthenics can be a fun workout for both children and adults. It can also be your primary training program.
I mean, calisthenics is a no excuse system for any people who want to get fit! Why?
Well, you can do this workout anytime and anywhere, without any need of third party equipment.
Calisthenics will teach you new and awesome moves and be more creative on your training. This is why calisthenics is an awesome exercise program.
Now that you have ideas on why you should do calisthenics, it is time for you to get down to business and get fit using your own body weight.
Below are some of the calisthenics workouts that you can do as a first timer:
- lunges
- squats
- planks
- push ups
- pull ups
- sit ups
- crunches
- calf raises
- hyperextensions and
- high intensity interval programs
There are more exercises that you can do but for now, be a calisthenics expert and get fit for life!
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