5 Good Reasons Why You Should Get Tested Regularly For Lung Cancer

There is a lot of information that has been made available by doctors about the things that we can do to try and reduce our risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. This includes eating the right things, making sure we get enough exercise and giving up any other habits which are bad for us such as smoking. You may also want to consider undergoing screening tests, especially if these have been recommended by your doctor. These tests could show that you have cancer even if you have not had any symptoms and if it is caught early there is less chance that it would have started to spread. There are several good reasons for having these screening tests carried out.

Cancer Is More Treatable If It Is Caught Early

Some types of cancer such as mesothelioma can be quite aggressive and they only start to show symptoms when the cancer is very advanced. If you have testing before these symptoms start to show then you may be able to catch the cancer while it is in its early stages. This means that it can start to be treated straightaway and there is a greater chance that this treatment will be successful.

They Can Diagnose Other Conditions

There may be other conditions that are shown in the test results that may have gone misdiagnosed otherwise. Treatment for this condition can then be started if this is necessary. Your doctor will be able to talk you through everything that this diagnosis means and what treatment options are available to you.

They Can Indicate Whether You Are More Likely To Develop Cancer In The Future

The tests may show that you do not have cancer at the moment but they can show some early signs that you are at risk of it developing in the future. This can alert your doctor to the fact that you may need further testing in a few years’ time. It can also make you more aware of the symptoms that you need to look out for that may indicate that the cancer has started to develop.

It Can Be Useful For Your Family

Some types of cancer are genetic and if tests show that you have these genes the chances are that members of your family will also have them. This means that your family may choose to have the tests themselves. Being more aware of the risk that they may have for developing cancer in the future means that your family are able to make informed decisions about how they will deal with this.

It Can Put Your Mind At Rest

Whatever results the tests come back with, at least you will know for certain what it going on. If the tests show that you do not have cancer then you will understandably feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders. If the test does show that you have cancer then you can start to concentrate on what you need to do to get better.

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