5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a New Language

Learning a new language is something we all have to do at one point in our lives. Whether it is as a result of learning through infant socialization, learning a second language at school or moving to another country and picking up their language, it seems like this is simply a must in some stage of our lives. However, it’s not a mere necessity – there are numerous benefits to learning a new language, as we shall see in the following paragraphs.

You Will Develop Confidence

Learning a new language is a very rewarding experience and an amazing confidence booster. By doing so, you will overcome some of your doubts and fears, meet new people, learn a little more about yourself, and perhaps dare to travel to places you have never been before. Getting positive feedback from a native speaker will further encourage and motivate you, and on top of it all, it’ll boost your ego.

Perfect Your Decision Making Skills

A study conducted at the University of Chicago has shown that people who speak a second language can easily eliminate their tendency to slip into loss aversion, i.e. letting themselves to get too caught up in the moment and only considering temporary benefits when making decisions. They are more likely to focus on things that can benefit them later on in life.

Bilinguals are extremely confident with their choices, because they rethink them in a second language and see whether their conclusions will stand up. So, this practically means that if you learn a new language, you will perfect the ability to make wiser financial choices. Sounds amazing, right?

Improve Your Travel Experience

The best type of travel is the one where you take pretty pictures and post them on your social media profiles, all the while spending a whole week in a luxurious resort. But, imagine knowing a foreign language, even just a couple of useful phrases; your whole travel experience will be so much better.

The knowledge of the local language will result in in invitations and warm smiles from the locals, and it can perhaps bring you opportunities that you have never dreamed of. You will enrich your life by developing a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the people you meet on your travels.

You Will Become Open-Minded

Learning a new language and getting to know an entirely different culture gives you a new perspective on the world. This is one of the best qualities you can acquire, and once you become aware that we are all social beings, and recognize your own attitude and behavior, you will be able to see others in a more favorable light. Once you start seeing the world from a different perspective, and you begin to understand where you and others come from, you will have a fantastic and an eye-opening experience.

Impress People around You

Whether you are at a nice restaurant with someone you are trying to impress by ordering some fancy meal using correct pronunciation or talking to foreigners in their native language, learning a new language is always an excellent way to impress the people around you.

Prepare to get a lot of compliments on your amazing skill, and perhaps several curious glances from people passing by here and there. This should not be the main reason for learning a new language, but use it as motivation and as a way to practice before you reach a certain level of fluency.

Everyone has different reasons for learning a new language, but we believe these five can give you an idea of the amazing rewards knowing another language can bring. It is not a simple and easy process, it takes some time and effort, but the benefits you’ll reap will show you that this is an investment worth making.

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