Categories: Fitness

5 Reasons Why Your Workout Routine is Letting You Down

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying your best to reach fitness goals only to come up short. Indeed, losing weight and becoming a healthier person isn’t easy –– in fact it’s very hard. Yet, that’s cold comfort for the millions of individuals who try to live healthier lives, only to be let down by their workout routine. Fortunately, we’re here to address that very point. Here are five reasons why many exercise regimens fail, and what you can do to put yourself back on the right track:

Lack of Dietary Support

Diet and exercise, diet and exercise, diet and exercise. The two concepts are so closely linked and repeated together that they might as well be one term! However, the reality is that both diet and exercise play a huge role in overall fitness and weight loss in particular. It’s true: you can’t outwork a poor diet. So no matter how well you train, you’ll never see optimal results unless you improve your eating habits as well.


Everyone is busy. It’s easy to see why a health-conscious person might not be able to work out as often as they’d like. Trying to squeeze in workouts within an already jam-packed schedule is a real challenge. Still, only working out every once in a while isn’t going to generate dramatic progress. If you want to see genuine change, then you’ve got to make it a point to exercise just about every day. You may want to consider hiring a personal fitness trainer if you struggle to get to the gym on a regular basis.

Low Intensity

Looking to burn fat? Then you have to be willing to sweat to do it. True, low-intensity workouts can be beneficial in some instances, but if your workout isn’t pushing you in any way, then you’re unlikely to see meaningful weight-loss results. Up the ante if your progress has stagnated lately.

Fighting through the Pain Barrier

As mentioned above, there is some merit to the old axiom, “no pain, no gain.” However, there’s a big difference between a normal “burn” during a workout and an injury that hampers your ability to exercise properly. Nagging joint pain, back aches, or muscle soreness could all indicate serious medical issues. What can be done to alleviate these issues? Is there an alternative to invasive surgery to fix them? Or do you simply have to fight through the pain to exercise as you age? (These are all great questions to ask a stem cell clinic.) Naturally, discussing your health and fitness with medical pros will help you find a solution that works best for you.

Unrealistic Expectations

Weight loss is a sporadic process. Sometimes you might lose five pounds in a week. Other times, you could go a month without shedding a single pound. Don’t put unrealistic expectations on yourself! It’s neither healthy nor responsible to try and lose weight in a reckless manner. Always make smart decisions when working out and give yourself plenty of time to relax and recover. Fitness progress takes time, but it’s worth it in the end!



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