5 Simple Exercises For Having More Self-Control

Self-control is something that most of the people lack which leads to suffering, addictions and all sorts of complications. When you have a closer look, a huge part of the economy is driven by lack of self-control. People buy stuff they don’t need because they cannot control their urges to spend money and accumulate. They don’t possess enough self-control to eat healthy and exercise so they end up spending a lot of money on weight-loss programs and personal trainers.

The importance of self-control

Why would you even bother learning how to have self-control? First of all, you should realize that without self-control, your life will become very frustrating and you’ll be the biggest threat to your life. I realized it many times in a very miserable way but it wasn’t really clear until I found this article on self-control in which the author explains the life-changing power of gaining the ability to control yourself. For instance, imagine you could wake up tomorrow and complete every single task from your to-do list that you’ve been procrastinating on for weeks. Imagine you’d end up hitting the gym, socializing, getting stuff done and eating healthy. This is what happens when you gain your ability to control yourself.

Self-control is critical part regardless of whether you’re into self-improvement or not. If you’re a student who goes through the university, you will need self-control to learn and prepare to exams so that you don’t fail.

What you should realize if you aim to be successful is that truly successfully people have enough self-control to do things that seem to make no difference. However, as they’re consistent about sticking to their habits, be it eating healthy or maybe reading books, every day they’re moving forward. In life, there’s no stagnation. You can either improve or go backward even if at first, it seems like nothing is changing.

As I started being fascinated by the world of self-control, I stumbled across the Marshmallow Experiment which was following people throughout the years and judge their lives based on their decisions as the children during the experiment. This only proves that learning how to have self-control from the early years will have an amazing impact on your life. If, as a parent, you neglect this aspect of your children’s life, they might end up having a harder time in their adult life.

How to have self-control – 5 exercises:

  1. Meditate – meditation is very powerful exercise for your brain. Whenever an urge appears in your help, you’ll be more prepared to deal with it if you meditate.
  2. Take cold showers – taking a cold shower proves that you can go in spite of your mind which is all you need to gain self-control.
  3. Eating healthy – if you treat your body properly, it is easier to manage and contol.
  4. Exercise – similar to the 3rd point, you can’t neglect your body and expect it to perform perfectly.
  5. Journal – if you write down a few notes every day and analyze your progress on gaining self-control, you’ll improve a lot.

I hope that this article made you realize that you it is beneficial to learn how to have self-control and that my exercises will help you take the first step.

jjones1: Jacob loves writing articles that help people fix different problems and improve their lives. He contributes across a few online platforms and treats writing as his absolutely favourite hobby.
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