5 Things to Know About Allergy Season














May is considered National Allergy/Asthma Month. This makes it a great time to get to know some of the facts that surround this issue that so many people experience each spring. Knowing more about allergy season makes it that much easier to survive, whether the information is helpful for you or for someone in your family.


“We are all happy when we see that spring is on the way, at least until we start to feel the allergies come on,” explains Peter Champe, owner of Baby Comfy Care. “Allergies can leave many of us feeling under the weather with itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and more. It’s not exactly how we thought we’d spend our spring.”


Although most people don’t anticipate the allergy season, it has arrived and there’s a good chance people will be reaching for the tissue. Allergies are when the immune system causes an overreaction to an allergen. They can be triggered by indoor or outdoor things, including pollen, food, mold, etc. Here are 5 things to know about allergy season:


1.    Peaks. May is considered the peak season for those who do suffer from allergies, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Additionally, they report that there is no particular area that is off limits when it comes to allergies, but there are some cities that seem to be more problematic for some. Currently, the number one city for allergies this year is Louisville, Ky.

2.    Costly. People are seeking a lot of relief when it comes to allergies. In addition to all the money that is spent on medications to try and get allergy relief, there is an additional $10 billion spent each year in America on non-medicinal consumer products that are touted as helping with allergies, such as vacuums, cleaners, bedding, and toys.

3.    Common. Common allergy symptoms include itchy eyes and nose, sneezing, congestion, teary eyes, runny nose, and dark circles under the eyes. Some allergy sufferers may experience these symptoms worse than others.

4.    Hay fever. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 17 million people last year were diagnosed with hay fever. Additionally, 6.6 million children were diagnosed with it. There were also over 11 million people who visited a doctor’s office last year due to allergic rhinitis, which triggers the host of symptoms most allergy sufferers are familiar with.

5.    Congestion. A common symptom, it can be problematic for children and especially infants. Newborns must breathe through their nose, so congestion can make for a miserable time trying to breathe. It can also interfere with their ears, hearing, and speech development. Parents can help relieve congestion, which is caused by a swelling of the blood vessels, by using an aspirator to remove anything, such as the one that has been expertly designed by Baby Comfy Care.


“We designed our aspirator based on experience,” adds Champe. “We set out to help our own child breathe easier, but we happily ended up helping other children around the country, too.”


The Baby Comfy Nose aspirator was designed by Champe, an engineer, who was seeking a solution to his own children’s nasal congestion. The aspirator is BPA-free, made in the U.S., dishwasher safe, hygienic, and highly effective at removing mucus.


In addition to the Baby Comfy Nose aspirator, the company has also created a sun poncho for children, and a revolutionary safety nail clipper. The Baby Comfy Products are sold online at the company site, while the aspirator is also sold at Walgreens retail locations nationwide. For more information on the product or to purchase it, visit the site at: www.babycomfycare.com.

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