5 Ways to Get Ripped Abs Without Using Any Equipment

How envious you are when seeing a man with a perfect 6 pack abs? Yes, having a ripped and sexy abs is what defines a true man.

So, how determined you are to get one?

If you are planning on enrolling in a gym and sacrifice hundred of hours on various ab equipment, then you are just wasting money and time.

This article will give you some ways on how you can develop strong and ripped abs without using any gym equipment. Interested?

Read on and learn five simple ways on how you can achieve this feat fast.

5 Ways to Get 6 Pack Abs Without Equipment

1. Be  Active in Sports

There is no denying that sports can get you fit and ripped in no time. Any sports will do – basketball, cycling, swimming, football, soccer and many others.

Sports can burn more fat, calories and carbs without giving you the stress that are commonly associated with weight lifting and exercise.

Plus, sports is enjoyable and most of the time, needs no additional equipment. Any sports can give your muscles reasonable resistance and challenge

2. Go on a Diet

Okay, you will never develop even a single pack of abs with any type of diet. But why is dieting included here?

Well, you can’t deny that before you can achieve muscular abs, you first need to get rid of those extra fat in your abdominal area.

You need to lose weight first before you can develop muscles, and that is the right way of getting six pack abs!

So what type of diet is recommended? Well, any diet as long as you can take it and is not too restrictive. A 500 calorie diet per day I believe is enough to get those fat belly removed within weeks.

To help you with your dieting program, check out one of the most recommended and proven appetite suppressants from IdealSupplements.net.

3. Get Serious with Your Exercise

Are you expecting me to say that you need to do at least 100 crunches? Well, sorry to disappoint you because I am not.

Most people suggest that crunches are not totally the best way to get six pack abs. But what does it? Well, you need to vary your exercise routine and shouldn’t solely focused on your abs.

Bodybuilders gain more abs by doing pull ups, pilates, squat, leg lifts, lunges, push ups, plank, crunches (of course), high intensity interval training and all other type of calisthenic exercises.

Cardio workouts are often overlooked and are ignored as they though that it won’t support abdominal muscles. But cardio are perfect combinations of any calisthenic workouts that will definitely help shape up your abdominal area.

4. Control your Stress

Stress can be a big factor in your overall fitness program, especially if you are working your abdominal area.

As you know, you need to lose weight first before you can get a ripped abs. But stress can ruin all your effort and if you are too lazy, there is a big chance of failure.

One way to fight stress is to get enough sleep. Studies suggest that you need at least 6 hours of sleep, but no more than 8 hours a day.

If you can do this within your fitness program period, then it is guaranteed that you will burn those hard to lose belly fat!

5. Surgery

As a last resort, you can always talk to your doctor and see various options on how you an achieve 6 pack abs easily through surgical procedures.

Though weird as it seems, there are several types of surgery that offer abdominal muscle insertion. Some of these surgical procedures include:

  • Abdominal etching
  • Abdominal implants

Abdominal etching are liposuction method done mainly in the abdominal area. If you are overweight or obese, then this procedure is for you to get the fast ticket to weight loss.

On the other hand, you can also try abdominal implants if you want to have ripped abs. Implants are inserted on top of your abdominal muscles.

These implants are placed on the exact area where it can form a muscular 6 pack look. It is like having breast implants.


There you have it. You can definitely achieve 6 pack abs without wasting too much time on gym equipment. All you need is right diet and perfect workout program.

nuper17: Perly Rodolfo is a health and fitness enthusiast, travel junky and a mother of two. She loves to write informative articles online via health sites and blogging platforms. If you want to learn more about Perly, you can visit one of her website at http://www.populardietpills.net and learn more on how to get super fit fast.
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