An interactive website with a cause

A website with a cause. It is about women, who fight back. The website will provide alternative news that usually avoid by mainstream media. The website a Peacock Media initiative where people can get community awareness news, is a local news and informative website that covers small cities and towns across the Globe.The web zine (digital) international magazine (daily Updates) the top priority for communication and spreading awareness.We will highlight and thus make people aware of such global issues as human trafficking, drug trafficking, atrocities against the LGBT community, cross border terrorism, cyber crimes, forensic sciences, criminal psychology, atrocities against women, AIDS/HIV, domestic violence,corruption in high places, serial killing and other important human rights issues. It will be interactive in nature with additional content. There are language options like Francais, Portugais, Kiswahili, Espagnol, Farsi, Arabe,Mandarin.According to one estimate, half a million Indian children under the age of 16 are exploited in the sex trade. It is actually a 12-14 page magazine and plugins for various application like Anroid, Black Berry, Amazon, Kindly, Iphone, Amazon, Playbook.It has some sections like At your service a community based service basically help people from various problems including personal one.One can reach us through email. Another sections(page/link like Home, News (Crime) News (Human Rights),Investigations, Video feeds.
A magazine style website where you have many categories (human trafficking, drug trafficking, atrocities, cross border terrorism, cyber crimes, etc..) in which you post the different topics. Post an article, should have an ability to add photos and videos. The website should be mobile optimized that works on Smartphone, Tablets and Desktops. And well formatted contact form to email the details for what a user is looking for. Also the website should be in multiple languages.
Responsive design supporting any screen size: laptops, tablets, cellphones
Web magazine with multiple categories and menu/sub-menu
Ability to add/edit/delete articles/news/blogs from the administrative backend. Only Users with privileges be allowed to post.
Ability to upload pictures/videos. Videos to be uploaded in your you tube channel and linked.Comment system for every post using Facebook, twitter, linked login credentials and email notifications.Login and “Register to be a Reporter” functionality.

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