Does Everyone Have A Guardian Angel?

Does everyone have an angel, a Guardian Angel watching over them all the time?

I’m asking this question especially for my Catholic friends who seem to believe that the answer is yes, even when the Catholic religious dogma teaches otherwise Catholics don’t get it, they don’t seem to understand the role of a Guardian Angel .

Indeed angels do exist. There is story after story in the Holy Bible where God dispatches an angel or angels to man to warn him of some impending danger or to help man to escape from peril in a time of need. God also sends angels to us as in the case of Mary the mother of Jesus to announce both the arriving of John the Baptist and Jesus and to Joseph her spouse to calm him and warn him.

Lucifer, aka. Satan or the devil, in the “Old testament” was permitted to test Job, and in the “New Testament” he was permitted to test Jesus, even though he knew that Jesus was the “Son of God, God Incarnate”. Yes Jesus and Satan were familiar with each other. Before he fell, Lucifer was one of the highest of angels.

I am going to clarify this for those who do not understand.

Indeed each person at the time of birth, possibly even at the time of conception has an angel assigned to keep watch over them. These angels keep watch as God instructs and carries out God’s instructions regarding that person.

In the case of Catholics, an angel is with them until such time as they in Catholic tradition become “Confirmed” into the Catholic faith. At “Confirmation”, the Holy Spirit of God, who indwells each of us, takes over the responsibilities of guardianship, and the angel is no longer required to be with them.

What Catholics don’t get is, if you have the Holy Spirit, God, residing within you, He is more powerful than any angel God might send, therefore there is no need for a “Guardian Angel”. In other words to make it plain and simple: What do you need an angel for if God resides in you.

In the case of Non-Catholic religions such as Anglican, or Baptist, when the brother or sister receives Baptism, as a teen or an adult, then and only then is the Holy Spirit invited to become active within the brother or sister.

In both cases, the person must be able to make an informed spiritual and conscious decision to invite God to take active participation in their lives.

In the case of those who belong to no religious sect, but still believe and know that there is a God, all they have to do is ask, invite God into their lives. Until that time, a guardian angel is with them, and after they invite God in, the Holy Spirit is with them too.    


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