6 Tips To Look A Better Man Every Morning

Every morning when you get up from your bed, looking good is in your hands. You decide if today you are going to look your best or not. Most men don’t put much effort in grooming themseleves which is a bad thing because when a person is well groomed, everybody likes him. It is not what others think of you but you will also feel confident when you are well groomed. So here are  6 simple tips to look a better man every morning.


Cologne: Wearing the fragrance will let others know that you care about your appearance and practice good hygiene. It makes you appear more polished. If you do not change your cologne usually and if it is your signature cologne then women in your life will come to associate this scent with you. But there is one precaution, avoid wearing too much cologne as it will drive almost anyone away because of the overpowering smell.

Facial cleansers: Just bathing with soap and shampoo is not sufficient. Caring your face is much needed as it is the part of your body which reflects you. Facial cleansers are meant to be used by everyone. They will remove all the dirt and dust away from your face and if you have an oily skin then facial cleansers help you to get rid out of it. You should not only use it in the morning but also in the evening when you come back from the work.

Exfoliate: Exfoliating your skin regularly removes all the dead cells from your face. Exfoliating twice a week is enough to get a better skin but it also depends on your age, dryness of your skin and the climate you live in. Also remember that more use of exfoliation can increase dark spots on your face. So it’s advisable to use them only twice a week.

Do 100 Push ups: Well this is not an alternate to your gym exercise but it is effective to give you boost. It will work as a warm up before you start off your day and make your hand muscles strong. Keep increasing the number of push ups and challenge yourself for your next target. Push ups are of many types. So choose the one which you like the most and feel comfortable at doing.

Sunscreen: Who says it is only for women? Apply sunscreen before stepping out. If you live in a country that has a harsh weather then it becomes must for you. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors to give it a chance to be absorbed into the skin and reapply it every two hours Choose an at least SPF 30 sunscreen cream.

Breakfast: People call it the most important meal of the day. So it becomes important to have something nutrient in breakfast. Breakfast gives you the energy and nutrients you need to kick start your day.

When you are done with all these things in the morning then you are ready to go and work. Taking notes on these tips will help you achive your desired look every monring. If you want to push extra then you can wear groomsmen gifts as well which you got in your friend’s wedding.



View Comments (1)

  • Love the sunscreen recommendation. Super important for men and women. One thing to add is to make sure the sunscreen you choose says "broad spectrum" on it. This means you'll get UVB and UVA protection. Without it you only get UVB coverage.

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