7 Essential Travel Apps For Traveling Abroad

Today traveling is easier than ever, thanks to so many practical apps that can all be stored in our back pocket. No more paper maps, no more difficulties finding your way around subway stations when subway map is nowhere to be found, no more aimless roaming in a new city, trying to guess where would be a good (and cheap) place to get some food.

True, we have a lot to thank for our technology gods, but in the never ending sea of apps, there are some more and less useful. This is why it’s important to know what you’re dealing with in the app world and you need to be aware of what works for you and what definitely doesn’t. Here comes the list of 7 essential travel apps for traveling abroad that will for sure make a difference and contribute to the quality of your travels.


If you travel frequently, then you are well acquainted with this app. Probably the best known language learning app in existence, Duolingo has over seventy million users worldwide. In case you’re travelling to a country about which language you know nothing about, then this app will make all the difference. Though you can’t rely heavily upon it (as on a language course, let’s say), Duolingo app will provide you with basics of the desired language and enable you to understand the locals at least a little bit. Where Duolingo can’t help, gestures, waving and pointing will do the trick.

Travel List App

For all of us scatterbrains, app telling us what we mustn’t forget can never hurt. Depending on how long of a trip you’re planning, this app can make or break your preparations. If you think similarly to the most of the human kind, then important items that you need with you on your journey cross your mind at most peculiar times, and this app enables you to write them down immediately. Even if you’re traveling short term, there are still things you should never forget to carry with you. One handy feature this app has is that you can set alarms for all those items all over the house that need to be packed at the very end. This app has all the potential in the world to save you from ever forgetting your stuff again.


This app can be considered the improved descendent of Google maps, or at least its funny uncle. Yes, this sentence sounds odd, but only if you’ve never used this app. Aside from its lively and colorful interface, this app has its silly side, which tells you how much time you would need to get to your destination, using a jetpack. But, Citymapper didn’t earn its place on our list because of it playfulness, but rather because it’s one of the best ways to keep you up to speed about anything in a city you’re visiting. Especially when it comes to public transport, this app is pure magic, because it shows real-time departures, as well as any delays you may encounter along the way. One other perk is that Uber services are integrated into the app, so you can easily use it as well.

Trip It

Tripit will prove its worth if you’re planning a long travel with a lot of stops along the way, because it manages your flight details without a glitch. Whether you’re traveling solo, or with a group, this app will prove its worth by coordinating all your flight times and other information. The way Tripit works is rather simple – all you need to do is forward your flight confirmation emails to the app, and you’ll be set. You’ll get a unified travel schedule that will timely inform you about your next flight.

XE Currency

There’s not much to explain with this app and why it’s so useful for travelers. If you want to avoid exchange currency scams that happen all too often, XE Currency will keep you up to date about your money exchanges. All the world currencies are listed in the app, and all you need to do is pick what you want to convert. Except this basic use, part of this app are all kinds of highly business information, that won’t concern you unless you’re a part of that particular niche that trades in precious metals and such.


If you are an easy spender, then this app will be a constant reality check. Yes, not all of us like to keep close account of our finances all the time, but when you’re traveling, it’s absolutely necessary to do so. This app will clearly display the state of your travel budget, as well as how much you’re spending every day of your journey. This app is connected to your bank accounts, but it’s a “read-only” meaning that you can’t transfer money from one place to another, only check the balance of your accounts. If you’re not certain about accessing your account in an open Wi-Fi connection, there are ways to keep your sensitive details secure, such as using VPN on your mobile devices. In case you’re not familiar with what VPNs can do for you, we recommend doing some research and reading reviews such is pure vpn review, to find out more about how you can keep your privacy on a level high enough to never fret for your private information security on your travels.

Food Spotting

This one is for all the food lovers out there. Just like its name states, Food Spotting app will bring you to the door of a restaurant that caters to your foodie needs. All you need to do is choose what you want to eat and the app will provide you with your best options in the city you’re presently at. If your friends also use Food Spotting, you’ll in a click know what their favorite places are, not to mention the photos that come with the restaurants are simply irresistible.


adamferraresi: Adam lives in Dallas, Texas, has a successful career in web development and is trusted writer of wefollowtech.com. He is twenty three years old, and when he’s not concocting some new interesting articles, he loves playing basketball and cooking for his friends.
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