Categories: World

7 New Wonders of The Planet




Taj was announced as The New Seven Wonder in a full of celebrities gathering in Benfica Stadium, Lisbon (Portugal). Millions were stuck to there Television sets back in India to see the Taj Mahal getting its place in the world panorama. Thousands of Taj Fans came out on the streets of Agra where Taj is situated with fire crackers and sweets, once Taj was named as the seventh wonder by Bollywood beauty Bipasha Basu, Ben Kingsley and Hilary Swank.


Some say its bliss for the human eye to see the Monument of Love in Moon Chilled Night.The seven wonders catalog was compiled during a global poll participated in by at least 100 million votes casted all the way through Internet, telephone and SMS operation.



Except  2  asian  wonders Taj Mahal  &  The Great wall of China rest were :


ü     Brazil‘s Statue of Christ.           


ü     Peru‘s Machu Picchu Inca trail.


ü     Mexico‘s Chichen Itza pyramid.


ü     Jordan‘s Petra.                            


ü     The Colosseum in Italy.       







From India Agra’s Mayor Anjula Singh received the reward from artist Ben Kingsley and actress Bipasha Basu at the scintillating happening in Portugal. Mushirul Hasan, well-known historian and vice chancellor of Jamia Milia Islamia University in the Indian capital (New Delhi), told that he was in truth ecstatic over the news.




While UNESCO has firmly shorn of its association with the contest, which many leading historians and citizens’ groups have called phoney, for the Agra folks it is a matter of pride. A classified organization known as the the New7 Wonders Foundation conceded the global campaign.



At first, the campaign, which started in 1999, included 77 monuments from around the globe and was then shortened to 21 in January 2006. The last list of seven wonders was affirmed based on the well-liked vote established.


Rise of Taj to the new seven wonders list would "boost tourism in the country". India‘s Tourism and Culture Minister Ambika Soni had said couple of weeks ago.ordan’s Petra was the seventh winner. Peru‘s Machu Picchu, Brazil‘s Statue of Christ Redeemer and Mexico‘s Chichen Itza pyramid also made the cut.


In relation to 100 million votes were cast by the Internet and cell phone text messages, said New7Wonders, the non-profit group that organized the poll. Seven others which lost the race included, Eiffel Tower of Paris, Easter Island in the Pacific, Statue of Liberty, the Acropolis, Russia‘s Kremlin and Australia‘s Sydney Opera House.


Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the only existing Building from the original seven wonders of the olden world, were assured of retaining their status in addition to the new seven after offended Egyptian officials said it was a dishonor they had to vie.








Adarsh Verma: I am a Freelance writer. I am writing from a long time now. I have written almost on all the areas, and hope to write more in the future.

I like writing on Current Affairs, Sports, Films & celebrities, Life style, Literature etc. One can sense a youth,energy,passion,devotion,dedication, impeccability in my work.
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