7 Steps That Will Help You Score Better in an Assignment

Writing is the most sought-after skill these days, but students do not pay proper emphasis on improving their writing abilities. The effect of ignorance can be clearly seen in the grades of the college-goers. The improvement just requires little efforts and small practice sessions. With sophisticated writing skills, you’ll be able to score better than others who are still not putting any efforts for enhancement of their skills.

This write-up will guide you to draft an assignment that will not only score good, but also create a long-lasting impression in the mind of your professor. Although this post is for preparing a university assignment especially, most of these apply to other kinds of writings as well. Let’s discuss the steps one by one.


Most of the students, start writing their assignment one night before submission. Many of them have even convinced themselves that they can write the best this way. Professors assign time consuming assignments at the beginning of the semester for a reason. They provide you ample of time to research, analyze, and write. If you take proper advantage of this, then you’ll be able to draft an assignment that scores topmost grades. Another merit of slowly completing your assignment is that you do not feel burdensome, and with a free mind, your productivity will be maximized. You can set a target, for instance, completing  approximately 500 words per day. This will ensure that neither you are stressed nor the writing work is in abundance.

Plan and Then Write

After you are done with your research work, make a plan to follow. Jot down all the important points that you want to include in your assignment. This will break your work in bits, and you’ll have a clear idea of how much work is completed or pending. Some students prepare a flowchart so that even the sequence is not compromised. If someone thinks that they can directly write the final document without a proper planning, then they are about to make the biggest mistake of their life. No one can be successful in drafting a perfect assignment if (s)he does not plan his/her work wisely. Even the renowned writers follow this pattern.

Start From the Middle

One of the biggest problems every writer faces is figuring out how to start any write-up. In this case, you have two choices, either you can stare the blank screen till your retina seems burning or you can skip the initial paragraphs and proceed further. The second option appears more convincing, right? You can always come back to draft the initial paragraph once all your work is done.

Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is much more than directly copying the content from internet. Excessive use of Wikipedia without appropriate citation is also a kind of plagiarism. Avoid using someone else’s work as your own as this can end up on a totally different note. The scholar can sue your career for copying word-for-word of his work or for not acknowledging him.

Use Directions Wisely

Have you ever seen those top-scoring assignments? If yes, then you might be well aware of how those assignments differ from the rest. They have implemented every instruction given by the university professor. Another factor responsible for topmost grades is the use of simple language without exaggeration in the academic document.


Proofreading is an essential step that needs to be done before declaring the assignment ‘finished’. In this part, read your full document and rectify all the grammatical errors and phrases that seem incomplete or unclear.


Never confuse a conclusion with a summary. The concluding paragraphs of the assignment should be the culmination of your document, not the one defining what you have covered in your academic writing.

The best way to improve your writing skills is to write as much as you can. The mistakes you commit will guide you about your area of expertise and the ones on which you need to lay emphasis on. Hope these tips will guide you enough so that you can complete your assignment without the aid of any assignment helper.

If you still feel that writing an assignment is quite daunting, then you can always take assistance from the online assignment help providers. If you opt for taking assignment help from expert academicians, then you can focus on other things as well.

Hope you had a nice reading time!

Author Bio : Henry Wilson is a ghostwriter by profession. He has immense experience in this field. Presently he is associated with Instant Assignment Help, where he is getting a platform to explore even more. He has expertise in helping students who face difficulty in completing their assignment writing work.

henrywilson: Henry Wilson is working as a full-time academic consultant with Instant Assignment Help Australia. He is serving the stressed students residing in Australia for more than 12 years. He holds an excellent writing skills and provides guidance to the academic scholars.
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