8 Great Tips Extremely Helpful for New Moms

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Most women think that the hard part is over when they finally have the baby. But, the truth is that labor is only the first step. There is still so much left for them to do. Being a new mother can undoubtedly be overwhelming. You now have a tiny little being depending on you. This means that you are responsible for fulfilling their needs and demands. You have to adjust to a new schedule and this seems very stressful. Sure, this is not something you can take lightly, but it is also not impossible. You just need to stay calm and follow the tips outlined below to make the transition to a new mom a successful one:

Tip 1: Let your baby tell you their needs

A baby cannot talk, so how can they tell you what they need? That’s what you are thinking, right? Yes, they haven’t learnt to talk just yet, but they have a way of telling you they want something. How? By crying. In fact, their crying pattern can also differ according to their needs. Hence, it is better for new moms not to force a schedule on their newborn. You should feel out her needs. For instance, rather than following an ‘every two hour’ schedule, you should let the baby eat on demand.

Tip 2: Don’t expose them unnecessarily

Sure, it is not necessary for you to rush back home from the hospital after having the baby and keep it isolated in the house for the first couple of months, but it is a good idea to limit their exposure to large crowds. Avoid places where there are lots of kids, especially during the flu season.

Tip 3: Follow your gut

When you are a new mom, you are going to hear more advice that you would ever care to hear. You should learn to take this with a grain of salt; just because one person did it with their child doesn’t mean that you have to do the same. Things and times have changed and ultimately, you will know what is best for your baby. You should pay attention to the clues your baby gives and follow your own instincts when it comes to your child.

Tip 4: Try again and again

When it comes to feeding the baby, putting them to sleep or play time, you are still learning what your child will respond to, but this doesn’t mean that you should be afraid to try out different techniques. If your baby is fussing while you are rocking her, you can put them against your shoulder. If it starts crying when you put the baby down, you can put her in an infant swing or give her a pacifier. During this time, you are just getting used to your baby’s likes and dislikes so there is absolutely nothing wrong in trying out a couple of things to know what really makes your baby smile.

Tip 5: Put them to sleep comfortably

Bear in mind that babies can get really cranky when they are unable to sleep properly. Moms should make it a priority to make their babies as comfortable as possible when they go to sleep. Every baby is different in the way they fall asleep. For instance, some may have to be rocked to sleep while others may sleep when you sing to them. However, all of them are going to need a great mattress and a best mattress topper if you don’t want them waking up after every short while. Hence, it is your job to ensure the mattress is comfortable and exactly what the baby needs.

Tip 6: Install the car seat properly

Your baby’s safety is of the utmost importance to you and having a car seat is not going to protect your baby to the full extent if it is installed improperly. If you don’t know how to do it, you can always ask someone else to do it for you.

Tip 7: Always be prepared

One thing is certain; when it comes to a newborn, you never know what to expect. You cannot predict your baby’s movements as they don’t follow a set routine. This means that you should always be prepared to deal with pretty much anything when you leave the house. You should always have an extra change of clothes, plenty of wipes and diapers, an extra pacifier, towel and a bottle of formula or milk in case your baby gets hungry earlier than you thought.

Tip 8: Ask for help

No, asking for help doesn’t make you less of a mom. Keep in mind that you are also a human being and you need a break just like everyone else. Raising a baby is hard work and you can ask for help when you feel you need it. You can enlist your parents, hubby or friends when things get tough.

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