9 Simple Truths To Lower High Blood Pressure

While high blood pressure can sound scary, it doesn’t always mean there’s a problem. However, in most cases, there’s an underlying reason. In this article, I’ll be discussing how you can lower high blood pressure.

One of the most common reasons for high blood pressure is your lifestyle and diet. Many high blood pressure cases can point back to the lifestyle you live. While there’s often a reason for high blood pressure, some cases can be difficult to diagnose.

Make no mistake, you don’t want to take high blood pressure lightly. If you think you have it, you need to see your doctor immediately.

The good news, in most cases, changing your diet and lifestyle can be the defining moment.

Let’s look at some different ways to lower your blood pressure.

  • Stress – There’s no denying the fact that stress can increase your blood pressure. When the body and mind is stressed, your blood pressure can rise. Learning relaxation methods can help you control your blood pressure. When you get stressed, walk away and get your 10 minutes in.
  • Staying Away From Alcohol – If you’re a drinker, it’s possible that the alcohol is lowering your blood pressure. Try going a few days without drinking to see if the dizziness goes away.
  • Exercise – Exercise can help you improve blood flow. I personally had this problem, I sit at a desk for years without my exercise. If you haven’t been exercising regularly in years, it’s going to take time to get back in good health. After a few months of regular exercise, I felt a lot better and no longer had high blood pressure. 30 minutes of exercise a day can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
  • Drinking More Water – The body is made up of water and you need it. In fact, it’s recommended that you drink 8 cups of water a day. If you’re not drinking water daily, please include it in your daily ritual.
  • Walking And Movement – A lot of the jobs of today are desk jobs or involve sitting in a chair for long hours at a time. If this is you, be sure that you’re getting up once a hour to move around. You can go for a short walk or pump your legs to get the blood flowing. Sitting for long periods is bad for you, make an effort to move around.
  • Medications – If you’re taking medications, it’s possible that one or more of them are causing your low blood pressure without you knowing it. Depending on how many medications you’re taking, there is one way to find out. If it’s a medication you can go without, you could halt taking it to see if your symptoms decline. Schedule a time to talk to your doctor to get his or her medical advice.
  • Prescriptions – Your doctor may decide to run test on you and it could be determined that you need a medication such as Rasilez, which is prescribed for high blood pressure. Rasilez is one safe method to control high blood pressure and you may find out that your doctor has other medications that may work for you. Once you see your doctor and he/she can perform a test, together you can determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  • Less Sodium – Sodium can be found in a wide range of different foods you consume. Although the effect of sodium on different people can vary, you usually want to limit your sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day or less. If you have a greater salt sensitivity, best to keep it at 1,500 milligrams or less.
  • Stop Smoking – Each cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for a few minutes after you finish. If you smoke consistently, this can leave you with consistent high blood pressure. If you can quit, it’s a major win for you.

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it doesn’t mean you’ll have it for the rest of your life. Making the changes listed in this article can help you lower high blood pressure and get control of your life back.

While some of you may need treatment for the rest of your life, there’s many of you that won’t as long as you’re willing to make changes in your life.

This list is a great way to get started.

Remember, we can only live for today, so take it one step at a time.



10 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure Without Medication – Mayo Clinic

Rasilez 150mg – You! Drugstore

High Blood Pressure Guide – WebMD

richardhale: Richard Hale is a published author and writer for You Drugstore. Richard also writes on platforms such as Career Addict, Influensive and Lifehack where he talks about healthy lifestyles.
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