A bad peace is better than a good war

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel! Obviously many European politicians have forgotten this truth. Forgot about that neighbor whose garden is adjacent to your property, much closer to you than the person who lives at the other end of the village.


On the policy of sanctions and we decided to talk with the German human rights activist Dmitrij Adamow.




Journalist) Hello, Mr. Adamow!


– (Adamow) Hello!


– (Journalist), Mr. Adamow, you are known human rights activist and a lot of the analyst. Today we would like to talk with you as a political scientist.


– (Adamow) Well. As you yourself said “not much political scientist”, so please refer to my words, not as a politician said that just as my personal opinion, my view on certain facts or events.


– (Journalist) Agreed! So, the first question from the first lines of the world media does not fall issue of sanctions against Russia and on the response to sanctions from the Russian side. What do you think about this?


– (Adamow) I think, to go back to the beginning of the story. A quarter century ago, fell “Berlin Wall”. This historical fact preceded the signing of the agreement between the West and the Soviet Union that “The Wall” is broken, Germany unite and NATO would not move eastward. Here are the main points of the agreement. At this, in fact, ended “Cold War” between East and West in the face of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union kept his word. The West is not. They promoted their NATO bases far in Eastern Europe. A year ago, the US and the EU have paid a coup in Ukraine and gave credit to the new government. For what? This scheme has been operating for a long time. Received loans with high interest, Ukraine, of course, they should be brought back. No one would give her humanitarian aid to 5 billion. Dollars. And there is nothing to repay the loan in the coming decades. And then, too, because in the next few years, the West will drive Ukraine into debt from which it (Ukraine) will never get out. After that Kiev will say or return our money, or we, on account of the partial repayment of a debt, place our military bases in Ukraine. Kiev will have nowhere to go. Thus NATO bases will be located on the doorstep of Russia. But then they did not work. On the playing field of the West Ukrainian has a new player, which was not expected and was not invited – Russia. America did not like it and it has introduced its sanctions against Russia. First reason was – “annexation” of the Crimea. Now, like the Crimea and the “simple” Russia, if only she had forgotten their interests in the rest of Ukraine. But this did not happen. Russia came to the defense of the Russian-speaking population of Eastern Ukraine. Here I can also understand Russian. Plans for Western strategists failed. Ukraina got the Western world as a bone in the throat. They would have left her alone, seeing that Russia will not back down. But how to leave something? Indeed, in the “Ukrainian crisis” has already invested billions of dollars and euros. Therefore, sanctions, as pressure on Russia. But here, Russia has shown its agility. Rather than raise the white flag in front of the West (which, apparently, the Western countries had hoped), Russia struck back. It introduced its sanctions against those countries that support sanctions against Russia. Nobody expected. Manufacturers of meat, dairy and agricultural products of European countries the first to feel the effectiveness of Russian sanctions. Were taken loans from banks under the sale of fruits and vegetables, meat and milk. But the Russian market was closed to them. I had to sell their products in a crowded western market. Sell for next to nothing, just to pay off the bank. Central Bank EU has failed to fully repay the losses of farmers. God forbid, if a third of the redeemed. Thus it is possible to draw a brief summary: the US desire to move to the very borders of Russia led to a coup in Ukraine, which led to civil war. The civil war in Ukraine led to sanctions of Western countries towards Russia, which, in turn, led to retaliatory sanctions from Russia. Russian retaliatory sanctions have led to major economic and financial losses for a number of EU member states. That is – the US desire to put their NATO bases close to Russia led to economic losses and, as a consequence, to a split in the ranks of the European Union. About 7 EU Member States to actively advocate for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.




– (Journalist) The most ardent opponent of Russia in the “Ukrainian crisis” is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. How Come? After decades of Germany and Russia were good partners both in politics and in the economy?


– (Adamow) Indeed, Germany and Russia for decades been a close business contacts. But now the ruling power does the will of the White House. How Come? I do not know. Obviously there is a logical explanation that I do not know. For this “pro-American” orientation Chancellor Merkel, recently exposed to harsh criticism from the “left.” In addition, manufacturers in Germany, so as not to lose ten-friendly business contacts with Russian partners, began to conduct its foreign policy towards Russia, which differs radically from the German foreign policy.


– (Journalist), Mr. Adamow, six months before the last election of the Federal Chancellor of Germany, in the spring of 2013. In one of his interviews on the US site, you called on German citizens to cast their vote for the incumbent Chancellor – Angela Merkel. Can you now say that they made a mistake then? That the choice of another Chancellor possible would be best for people in Germany and throughout Europe?


– (Adamow) In the spring of 2013. I came out of the situation, which was at that time. In addition, I proceeded from the personalities of candidates for the post of Federal Chancellor. And I only expressed my personal opinion that the choice of Mrs Merkel would be better than her opponent. At that time, as the German Chancellor, she and her government has done a lot for the citizens of Germany and Europe as a whole.


– (Journalist) If we assume that the elections should take place in the near future. For whom would you vote now called?


– (Adamow) looks at who would be nominated for the post of chancellor.


– (Journalist) Okay, put the question another way: who would you personally offered the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany?


– (Adamow) since the last election of the Chancellor, on the political scene in Germany new star – Sahra Wagenknecht of the “Left”. I think it would be a worthy successor to the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany.


– (Journalist) Why do you think so?


– (Adamow) Sahra Wagenknecht – Doctor of Economics, journalist, member of the German Left Party, the deputy of the German Bundestag. From July 2004 to July 2009 – Member of the European Parliament. Since 2011 year- deputy chairman of the “Left”. That is, people are very smart and competent. In addition, Ms. Wagenknecht has a certain charisma. Knows what she wants and how to achieve it. A very brave woman, in my opinion. I am sure that in the near future, it will be just a mouthpiece of political power in Germany.


– (Journalist) Back to our sanctions. The European Commission has sent its proposals Russia Getting food supplies to Russia after a possible lifting of the embargo. What do you say to that?


– (Adamow) Nothing. Now, if the European Commission sent its proposal: we shoot all our sanctions against Russia. Let’s live together and cooperate further. Then one would expect a positive response and reaction from Russia. And so. “After a possible lifting of the embargo.” That is, whether to lift the embargo, or not. Whether now, in the near future, or 10 years from now … Such proposals are worth nothing. Recently, in a German magazine, I read the frustration of one of the Bundestag, who recently flew to Moscow. There he wanted to speak with someone from the deputies of the State Duma. Discuss the situation and try to find a way out of this situation. None of the deputies of the State Duma, he said, did not want to talk to him.


– (Journalist) What do you think, why?


– (Adamow) I think that the time for talk is over. Need to move from talk to action. Want to Russia lifted the embargo on imports of European goods in Russia, remove its sanctions against Russia. If the EU hopes that Russia will be able to get to unilaterally lift the sanctions, the West is mistaken. I think it’s already got.


– (Journalist). So: the next election you will urge the Chancellor to vote for Mrs Wagenknecht. Do not you think that after coming to power, it will also act as Mrs. Merkel?


– (Adamow). No, I do not think. German policy must change. And it is obvious to all. Therefore, Mrs Wagenknecht, in my opinion, and this policy may change. As for the “urge”, I did not call. I just express my personal opinion. Besides, I have not anyone can cast your vote.






The situation in the world with these sanctions reached the point of absurdity. Many European leaders do not come from the interests of their own countries and their peoples, and in the interests of the United States. Good neighborly relations have always been beneficial to all, rather than confrontation. Getting pitiful handouts from the US State Department that leaders put in their pockets, the peoples of these countries lose the benefit of the loss of the Russian market of consumers. But when the rulers thought of his subjects? Never!


The original article in Russian: http://mir-segodnja.jimdo.com/2015/01/23/худой-мир-лучше-доброй-ссоры-или-кому-нужны-все-эти-санкции/


Gabriella Schmidt:
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