A blog that wrote itself ?

Guy Kawasaki, the ex-apple executive turned venture capitalist and also author of a fairly popular management book’Reality Check’,recently shocked his audience by confessing that his famous blog entry was ghostwritten.
Take a look at the video at Flora.tv ( Flora.tv/2008/11/17/Guy_kawasaki_reveals_he_had_help_writting_Linkedln_post) where Guy owns up that he didnt know much about Linkedln,and Kay Luo from Linkedln provided Guy with his talking points for the post. Th0e post was named as ‘ten ways to use Linkedln.’
"I really needed a post- it was four days!"
Ah, one wonders if the book deadlines were met in a similar fashion.That’s some food for thought.


-Times of India.

Deep Choudhari: Mechanical Engineer.
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