Johannesburg – South Africa
Julius Malema, President of the ANC Youth League has, over the least few years, become a thorn in the side of the ANC government, led by Mr. Jacob Zuma. He has been involved in many incidents and has given inflammatory speeches to substantial crowds. He advocated the overthrow of the Botswana government, he has been very vociferous about the government nationalising the mines and later the banks. Unfortunately, he has received some sympathetic ears from people in high positions in government on this issue. At a press conference, he swore at and insulted a British journalist and forced him to leave. He has been accused of bribing people in authoritative positions to be awarded substantial contracts of one nature or another. He has now accused the President, Mr. Zuma of various activities, such as favouring family members when it comes to financial matters of huge import. Underlying his attitude is a definite anti-white attitude, which he has intimated in various ways that he would “redress the wrongs” committed by the white population. He is a staunch supporter of Robert Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe, and has as much as said that when he gets into a position of power, he will conduct the same type of land appropriation as was done in Zimbabwe, without any compensation for the white farmers and landowners. He is now under investigation by the corruption an fraud squads of the police for obtaining contracts in an unlawful manner, using party funds for his own personal use. etc. He is currently busy building a home , which it is estimated will cost R30 million on completion, but work has stopped due to non-payment. He has been expelled from the ANC party, but this still does not deter him from addressing his supporters. He will become a major problem to this government in due course should nothing be done to strop him completely. He has caused the Rand to loose value, virtually stopped all foreign investment, and sown dissent and apprehension among the populace. He really is a danger to society and the stability of the government.