A Diagnosis is not a Life Time Sentence: Bipolar Disorder

 Thank God, I am healed from Bipolar Disorder.  I was diagnoses by a psychiatrist when I quit drinking that I was Bipolar Disorder.  His first suggestion was to prescribe Lithium, which became toxic to me, even in a therapeutic range.  After three blood tests, he immediately took me off the treatment, as he was terribly afraid of the possible toxic results. 


After several trials of different prescriptions, the doctor put me on Depakote for about 15 years.  A friend advised me to discontinue the drugs because my side effects of trembling and lack of clear thinking became worse than the cure.  I followed his suggestion and stopped the medication. It saved my life.


This was the worst withdrawal I have experienced.  I have healed many addictions, and withdrawal from Valium was difficult for several years because it has a half-life.  However, through this withdrawal from Depakote, I could not drive, write a check, of think straight for four months.  Thank goodness, I kept my spiritual program in focus through out this difficult time or I would not have been able to walk into a sober, clean, and healthy life.


Each day a loving God was like the carrot before the mule. I went through extremely hard transformations from leaving the past violence, abandonment, and shame that had driven my life of survival and victimization.  In changing to a new life focused on principals of love, I found that Bipolar Disorder is a way to run away from reality.  Moreover, medications were like alcohol both were drugging me and keeping me stuck in my insanity.


I found hope when I had read a quote by Edgar Cayce, The Father of Holistic Health, who stated, “There are in truth no incurable conditions.”  I used support from a 12-step program to help me keep my head and actions moving into wellness. It was time to give up my old mind-set from my family of living in a fear-based life of alcoholism and mental illness.  My surrender to a caring Higher Power was my answer.  I found that wellness is my spiritual inheritance. Love would heal my life. 

If I stay sick, I am not in the moment, but reliving my woundedness from the past. My ego wants me to remain stuck in this mindset of powerless, hopeless, and victimization. Discovering that the past is history, but my brain replays the trauma in which I still react to everything around me was important. Because I knew the prescriptions were poisoning me and I was dying, I had to find another way; it became imperative. Now, I could fire my old messages from the ego and move into my heart where it is loving, safe, and my real power dwells in me as me.  I vowed to move into reality where I would regain my power to be real. 


Prayer and meditation are the key to recovery because they move you into a higher consciousness.  I humbly asked God to remove my Bipolar Disorder and thanked him for replacing it with His love and grace.  I also do many supportive actions that raise my vibrations into the Christ-Consciousness.  Flower Essences became essential to move out the old energy.  They push out stuck, unconstructive, emotional energy leaving space for loving energy to replace the old trauma, crisis, fear, and other negativity from the past.  Over time, I moved into grace, which restored the natural chemical balance in my body.

 There are no vacations from being conscious. Asking God to daily guide my thoughts, words and actions, changes my motivation into projecting love instead of my old emotions.  Another practical suggestion is to drink lots of water; this will flush out your system.  If you carry a bottle of water, write on paper: peace, love, joy, health, and prosperity," the fruits of the spirit, and face it inward for the water to connect with the vibrations of the words. According to Dr. Emoto, words will transform the water. Use a clear bottle as colors also transfer to the energy of the drinking water.  I use a rubber band to keep the paper in place.  Over time as you drink this water, you will feel more spiritual.   


It is a daily choice to live in reality.  A major new learning was that you could “react” from history or “create” your present.  Listening to the guidance from within brings miracles today. In the right state of choosing to be in unity and wholeness in consciousness in that Holy Moment you are in Divine Reality, also called “Christ Consciousness.  There are no symptoms to heal when you are in this higher consciousness, the presence of God.  It became my purpose to be a whole person living in harmony, balance, and in the moment.


Bipolar Disorder was another lesson to learn to love and forgive others and myself. All conditions are wake-up calls that identify where we can come into harmony with the cosmos.  Even the difficult lessons are gifts for growing into the new person you are becoming.  Daily thank God for every opportunity to grow.  Bipolar Disorder became my gift to learn there is no life sentence, only the occasion to become one with God.


I have just completed a book with the steps to help others overcome their maladies including Bipolar Disorder, called, “Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You”.  I no longer live with any illness. I have healed eight addictions, Bipolar Disorder, domestic violence, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Hyperglycemia, depression, stress, and more, through becoming a spiritual person allowing God’s love to flow through my life.  I have not had any alcohol for 27 years or prescription drugs for over 11 years.  I act rationally, lovingly, and feel content.


As an Internationally Board Certified Regressionist, I assist people to find the root cause of any illness so it can be replaced with a loving solution.  For more see my web site.



Marilyn Redmond: I love to share my experience, strength and hope of overcoming my harsh conditions and illnesses. At 76 years of age, I am not the same person I used to be. Through my international speaking, writing, seminars, consulting, and counseling , I share overcoming a childhood of living in domestic violence with abuse and incest, a thirty-year domestic violent marriage of rape, in addition to healing 9 addictions, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and more. My groundbreaking techniques as Therapeutic Hypnosis along with flower essences, heals the root or origin of the problem releasing the symptoms and circumstances that are based in emotional issues. As a retired teacher in public schools and colleges, I have three years in graduate work towards a doctorate degree. I became an ordained minister to do spiritual counseling, regression healing, and past life therapy. I offer tools and solutions to encourage happiness from transformation. I was inducted into Who’s Who for Professionals and Executive for her innovation work and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. My innovative information uses the universal laws and dynamics to address the root causes of disease, addiction, mental illness, Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and living problems in life. My inspirational presentations come from personal understanding and as a counselor, international lecturer, and college teacher utilizing my insight and wisdom. In addition, I am an award-winning international writer and international author, consultant, and columnist appearing at universities and schools, seminars, retreats, treatment centers, wellness centers, and conventions. I was just interviewed for the internet at talkstorytv.com. My successful radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, along with many interviews on radio and appearance on television and lectures are well received. With hope, love, and vision each client can create a better world. I wish to share all my abilities with everyone. My forthcoming book is “Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You”. My videos, TV appearance, books, articles, writing, lectures, articles and artwork are on my web site at: angelicasgifts.com. My blog is: daybook.com. Check out my videos at: youtube.com or my E-books at: amazon.com. Contact me at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com
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