A Disciple of Jesus







This is a picture of Jesus telling Mary Magdalene not to touch him, because Jesus has not yet ascended to God and to heaven, moments after Jesus is resurrected by God.


Mary Magdalene Sinner Or Saint

I’m known as one of the few, maybe the only Christian Evangelic writers, who openly will dare to attack the Roman Catholic Church for its dogmatic errors.

If and when Almighty God desires something be addressed and sees a need for something to be corrected, Almighty God knows that he can call upon me and count on me to reveal through the Holy Spirit, that which needs addressing.

Some may call it tilting at windmills, others attacking the “Church” unjustly, but Almighty God calls it righting a wrong.

This is going to be one of those dogmatic attacks that the Roman Catholic Church won’t want to read about.

There is one of Jesus most devout followers. This is the one whom Jesus had cast out (Seven) devils.

This is the follower, the Disciple, who stayed by Jesus, was there when Jesus was scourged, was there when Jesus was crucified, was there when Jesus was interred, and was the first one there, when Jesus first arose, but had not yet ascended to the Father.

LUKE: 8: 2; “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,”

This is the first mention out of 12 times throughout the Holy Gospels of Jesus Christ that Mary Magdalene is mentioned in God’s Holy Word, the Holy Bible.

There is not even one mention anywhere in the Holy Bible though that states that Mary Magdalene is or was ever a “Prostitute” for she is not / was not a prostitute.

Knowing this, seeing it recorded in Holy Scripture, in God’s Holy Word the Holy Bible demands that certain questions be asked.

The first is why.

Why does the Roman Catholic Church insist upon degrading, and vilifying someone who is mentioned no less than 12 times in God’s Holy Word, not even once in a bad way?

Why does the Roman Catholic Church choose to dismiss the one Disciple of Jesus who stands by Jesus during the whole ordeal of Jesus crucifixion, burial and resurrection, turning against this Disciple and disgrace this Disciple by labeling her a “Prostitute” with absolutely no sustainable evidence, no scriptural evidence whatsoever?  

Why has the Roman Catholic Church in its infinite wisdom decided to exclude from the Holy Word of God, the Holy Bible, the“Gospel of Mary Magdalene”?

What is it about Mary Magdalene that frightens the Roman Catholic Church? Obviously she was a devout apostle of Jesus?

Does the Roman Catholic Church attack Mary Magdalene because she is a woman? That would be sexist.

Does the Roman Catholic Church attack Mary Magdalene because of the Church’s dogma that states that all their priests, all their nuns be “Celibate”? The Hebrew Priests, even the High Priest was permitted to marry and did.   

Does the thought, the idea that maybe just maybe, Jesus took himself a human wife while he too was human, upset the delicacy of the Roman Catholic Church?

Is the church so prudish that its creator, its leader, could not have a wife and lead too?

I mean after all Jesus is also God. Also, the Roman Catholic’s first “Pope” Peter had a wife, this is mentioned in the Holy Bible.

All of the Apostles after death, according to the Roman Catholic Church, have been elevated by the church to “Sainthood”. How about Mary Magdalene, is she not a “Saint”? Or, does declaring her a prostitute, exclude her?

Even if we wrongfully assumed she was a prostitute, did not Jesus forgive the woman declared by the Jews to be a prostitute? Jesus is God, the Son of Almighty God, if he can forgive her, her sin, how can any man hold it against her? Is she not cleansed and purified by the blood of Christ?

Since Mary Magdalene was spiritually cleansed of the seven demons, thus purified and made clean by Jesus himself and, since Mary Magdalene becomes the one and only one of Jesus Disciples with the exception of Jesus’s mother and brothers and Joseph of Arimathaea, who’s grave site Jesus was interred  that stuck by Jesus to the grave, how can the Roman Catholic Church slander such a devout follower?



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