A False Alarm Of A British Passenger On Bomb Threat In Sri Lankan Air Line Flight Proved As A Hoax

A Bomb threat received by the Sri Lankan Air Lines Air Bus 340 which bounded to London U.K found as a  Hoax after checked the Air Bus  which got landed to Male International Air Port this evening,Soon after the Air Bus got landed to Male International Air Port in Maldives  a British Passenger name Clement Paul  who boarded the Plane started alarming fellow passengers that a bomb was on board the Flight.

After searching the flight it proved that the Bomb Threat was a hoax and afterward the Air Bus left to London, Sri Lankan Air Lines Has announced.The Maldives National Defense Force was evacuated the Passengers boarded in Sri Lankan Flight for a search in Male and when it proved the alarm is hoax the British Passenger who was responsible for the act  was apprehended by the Authorities in Male.

After the search the 199 Passenger Air Bus which is flying Colombo to London via Male left for London.


Emanthi Marambe: I am Emanthi Marambe a Senior Journalist attached to the Divaina Editorial of the Upali NewsPaper Limited in Sri Lanka.I have Thirteen years of experience in Journalism and followed several Local and Foreign Media Fellowship Programmes.
I am covering Health,Social Issues and International Affairs for the Paper.
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