A few interesting facts about smell

Contact with a new odor begins to fade after a while and may disappear completely even though the odor is still there and still reaches our brain. the reason for this is that contact with our conscious centers gets cut off.

There is no long ague of smell. smell works through associations and images- this rubber smells like vanilla or you smell of strawberries.

Our nose can be trained to differentiate several hundred different odors.

Poets and writers have gained inspiration from different smells. Proust, when he lived in Paris, would travel a hundred kilometers to Normandy to inhale the scent of apple blossom.

When you are suffering from an illness, your sense of smell is sometimes deadened.

Your sense of smell remains alert for twenty-four hours even while your are asleep.

The strongest and deepest experiences are often accompanied by olfactory sensations.

Our enjoyment of food is primarily a nasal experience. when you have a cold and your nose is blocked, your tongue can still taste but you are not able to enjoy your food.

A particular fragrance, even if cannot change an individual, can, if properly chosen, alter his mood.



Madugundu Krishna: English and Telugu writer. Hyderabad-India.
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