What makes a man voluntarily castrate himself? In India, there are over one million eunuchs known. Some, but not many, are born this way. Others have their genitalia taken forcefully, often by other eunuchs wishing to increase their numbers. But many of these people have chosen to become part of the "third gender" voluntarily.
To better understand the reasoning behind these decisions, it is necessary to look at India’s social tendencies towards homosexual men.
Sarwat Naqvi, a Video Volunteers correspondent, did an interview with an Indian man named Vikas. Vikas is a homosexual himself, and is an activist trying to promote homosexual identity. He has observed and experienced that because homosexuality is not accepted in many Indian societies, homosexual men living in these places feel an absence of Identity. They are not supported by their peers, their families, and it can even be hard for them to find a place to work or live.
Vikas also commented on how difficult it can be to find a partner. Although there are many closet gays in India, most would prefer to remain this way because they fear the criticism from society that being homosexual presents. Vikas mentioned that he knows of men who seek freedom from this predicament, and in doing so, pay money to remove their genitalia. This way of life, where homosexual men feel the necessity to become eunuchs in order to find an identity, is both bizarre and disturbing for many Westerners, including myself.
To learn more about the struggles that homosexuals face in India, and to join the near 10,000 people who have supported Vikas and others in search of an identity, watch this short video.
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