A New Text Innovation in the History of Internet


(A unique working email id created/developed/invented by one person, myself)

I hereby declare that I have innovated a

unique email id more than 2 years ago

(The exact date is verifiable or can be

verified whenever required, very easily,

for example, email id at hotmail

‘www.navraj@hotmail.com’ was created

on 12 May, 2007).

I wondered whether it will work on the

Internet or not.

This unique text conceived and invented by

me was put into use on the Internet,

for working with various websites, search

engines, email providers like Google (gmail),

MSN (Hotmail), Yahoo(ymail), and on

more than 200 websites; to see whether

it is acceptable or not.

Astonishingly, it worked very well just like

anyother other email id. Except a very few

(2-4) websites which were a little bit sceptical

about its very possibility, existence, acceptability

and working (later they also accepted) all the

websites including Internet giants like Google,

MSN, Yahoo, Groundreport, US and Indian

copyright and patenting authorities, Various

Universities, etc., this unique text innovation

was accepted. It worked and still working.

The Innovation: I prefixed ‘www’ before my

every email id like:




The word ‘www’ denotes world wide web

basically, but after that I added it to create

my email id’s, like:



Navraj Sandhu: Freelance article writer, Veterinary Doctor, and with association of 8 colleagues (8+1=9), named sarpanch is a free for all knowledge base and advise in any field, but ONLY THROUGH "groundreport.com". Every query should be sent to "groundreport.com ", and, you will possibly get the best answer, advise, action in the world. This group of nine named "sarpanch" is a non-profit charitable organisation providing free help & guidance to those who need it; but have no resources.
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