“A nuclear Iran poses an incredible threat to the Middle East and to the United States”, says Rep. Tipton

“A nuclear Iran poses an incredible threat to the Middle East and to the United States. The security of our allies, including Israel, and the stability of the region is at stake”, says Tipton.

On December 9, 2014 Rep. Tipton asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks:

“Mr. Speaker, recently negotiations with Iran over the country’s nuclear program were extended again for another 7 months. This extension, however, carried no additional or strengthened economic sanctions on Iran. Disturbingly, we have now heard that the administration has considered sanctions against Israel, our ally.

A nuclear Iran poses an incredible threat to the Middle East and to the United States. The security of our allies, including Israel, and the stability of the region is at stake. Stronger sanctions are needed regarding Iran–not our ally Israel–to increase pressure, advance negotiations, and achieve a favorable outcome for the U.S. and all of our allies. There is no room for error, and the administration must get a strong agreement in place.

H.R. 850, the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013, seeks to strengthen and update sanctions on Iran. This passed the House of Representatives. Despite broad bipartisan support, the Senate has done nothing on this bill. The Senate needs to take it up and increase pressure on Iran to reach an agreement. We cannot afford to wait. ”

Source: Congressional Record

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