We should be thanking Almighty God each and every day if for nothing else simply for our very lives, but we owe Him so much more.
The problem is, how does one express gratitude and thanks to the one who provides so much. Mere words do not seem adequate, but as mortals, mere words are all that we have.
Oh heavenly Father: Please forgive us for our many lapses of memory, for the times that we should be saying thank you yet we forget you, or take you for granted.
We don’t often have difficulty remembering to thank you and praise your holiness for creating us and for providing for our needs. We remember to thank you for our jobs and our health, for our family and our friends.
We find it ever so easy to remember to thank you for your expression of your true love for us, when you permitted our beloved brother Jesus to ransom himself, for we unworthy, sinful, humans by taking our multitude of sins upon himself during his crucifixion as the sinless son of God He was.
We find it easy to thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to live with us and in us, and to provide us with your unfathomable knowledge and wisdom, and when He acts as our conscience and corrects our ways, delivering with abundance your grace.
As thoughtless, sinful humans we continue to sin and fall short, but we seem to forget that you see all and when you decide to punish us and correct us to offer to help us fix things, do we thank you?
No! Instead we try to blame you for permitting it to happen and not doing more to stop us, as though it was your choice, and not ours. We ask your forgiveness and thank you dear God for being so patient and understanding.
Father we know that you answer all prayer and that sometimes you answer must be a firm “NO”, or sometimes your answer is not that way but this way, often you are slower to do what we ask, we forget that all things must happen in your perfect timing and not ours, but we want things when we want them and expect you to jump at our request. Father we thank you for not ignoring us even when we act like spoiled children often do.
Heavenly Father we wish to thank you for being so patient and understanding for teaching us correcting us and providing for us, each and every day of our lives, in every part of our lives. We thank you for your never ending, and unconditional love. We give thanks to you for providing for us our savior and redeemer Christ Jesus, and we pray this prayer of thanks and gratitude through His Holy Name.