Though we are Christian, often we neglect to remember and thank the Holy Spirit for his impact upon our lives.
I offer a prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Holy spirit, third person of The Triune God, You are the one that brings all from Our Father, to share with us, God’s Earthly Children. You bring us his Knowledge, as we need it, His Wisdom to understand just how it is to be used and applied, in the betterment of our sinful lives.
You teach us God’s Laws, imprinting them upon our hearts and minds. You, are our Conscience, that small voice that tells us that we have broken one of God’s Laws and convince us to change our ways bringing change for the better.
You provide us with special artistic gifts like the ability to understand and perform music, or to write, or to produce things of beauty through Art like pictures or sculptures. You provide us with special skills, necessary to become a parent, a father or a mother, so that we can grow up our children, God’s children who he has intrusted into our care, to make our lives more fulfilling and richer.
You provide us with the special skills necessary to earn a living, as doctors,teachers,lawyers,electricians,plumbers, accountants, whatever trade you have chosen specifically for us to glorify you as we earn our financial needs to sustain us and care for our families.
You provide us with encouragement,courage,and strength, to face the tasks you place before us, and to stand solidly in the face of adversity, when we are being tested by Satan, as he tries our faith and our trust and our belief in our Heavenly Father and in Christ Jesus.
But most importantly you provide us with The Father’s steadfast love for us His caring, and His Grace, proving to us now and for ever, that The Father, Christ Jesus and you Holy Spirit are truly God, Our one true God, in whom we can entrust anything and everything in.
We offer unto you Holy Spirit, unto Christ Jesus, and unto Our Heavenly Holy Father, our eternal gratitude, praise, worship, and glory, for your selflessness as you deal with we your children. We owe you everything.
And the children of God, together in one voice say AMEN.