A Soulution to Domestic Violence

Being poor is a good way to increase your chances of being hurt by your parents, is not an accurate statement. It is about not having love but fearful parents and a fearful environment. It is their survival not to own their reality and they pass it on. They project their hurt on to the people, children and others around them. Unwittingly, I was attracted to this mentality because I was raised in it and it was familiar. I married this mindset because I now know that there is a universal law that “Like attracts Like.” 

Only the people can change themselves. Laws do not stop domestic violence. I was raised in domestic violence and incest since childhood and was married for 30 years in domestic violence and rape while teaching school. Today I have become a mature, rational, and compassionate adult. After suicide attempts and his several tries to kill me besides the other attacks and stranglings, I had to wake up to my playing the victim in a passive aggressive game. My guilt attracted punishment, but I cried “poor me”. This soul level of co-dependency was killing me or he was going to murder me. 

With many years of changing myself with self-love, releasing my fears, guilt and anger that I learned in childhood, and finding a Higher Power to love me with unconditional love, I transformed myself into rising above the lower energies of fear, guilt and shame. 

I am in a relationship of over 12 years of unconditional love, today. I have been blessed. 

Domestic violence is a wake up call to love yourself and send love to others. When you take responsibility for your life, you do not look to others for validation, love, finances, or self-esteem. You mature into a person who is accountable and takes on an adult consciousness. It teaches you to find your own inner power to live the life of who you really are.

My immaturity from being terrorized by seeing my father beat my mother, at the age of three would no longer be the basis for my life. The tools for emotional growth out of fear, guilt, and shame into the love that is within will help anyone grow into love, self-esteem and peace. I cannot change others, but I could change myself. Then my life changed around me. My story is related in my latest book, “Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You” which guides the reader for outgrowing and releasing the past through forgiveness and compassion. There is a way to a better life style, I found it. 

Marilyn Redmond: I love to share my experience, strength and hope of overcoming my harsh conditions and illnesses. At 76 years of age, I am not the same person I used to be. Through my international speaking, writing, seminars, consulting, and counseling , I share overcoming a childhood of living in domestic violence with abuse and incest, a thirty-year domestic violent marriage of rape, in addition to healing 9 addictions, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and more. My groundbreaking techniques as Therapeutic Hypnosis along with flower essences, heals the root or origin of the problem releasing the symptoms and circumstances that are based in emotional issues. As a retired teacher in public schools and colleges, I have three years in graduate work towards a doctorate degree. I became an ordained minister to do spiritual counseling, regression healing, and past life therapy. I offer tools and solutions to encourage happiness from transformation. I was inducted into Who’s Who for Professionals and Executive for her innovation work and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. My innovative information uses the universal laws and dynamics to address the root causes of disease, addiction, mental illness, Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and living problems in life. My inspirational presentations come from personal understanding and as a counselor, international lecturer, and college teacher utilizing my insight and wisdom. In addition, I am an award-winning international writer and international author, consultant, and columnist appearing at universities and schools, seminars, retreats, treatment centers, wellness centers, and conventions. I was just interviewed for the internet at talkstorytv.com. My successful radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, along with many interviews on radio and appearance on television and lectures are well received. With hope, love, and vision each client can create a better world. I wish to share all my abilities with everyone. My forthcoming book is “Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You”. My videos, TV appearance, books, articles, writing, lectures, articles and artwork are on my web site at: angelicasgifts.com. My blog is: daybook.com. Check out my videos at: youtube.com or my E-books at: amazon.com. Contact me at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com
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