Poetry From The Heart:
A ship succumbs to a raging sea
lands amid boulders and reefs
two lovers concede in the storm.
Spirits separate in the ferocity
leaving a woman’s voice screeching pursuits
reverberating over and over in the winds.
Her foundation’s planted solid and strong
“no” gusts come against her strength
as she wails during days and nights
waits for a reunion with her companion.
Her spirit aches for a gauze to cover and
eliminate the injustice dealt in the furor.
She stands erect at the point of separation
screeching, wailing, and waving her limbs.
A frock propels messages in the weather
hopes her mate will answer the appeals
to unify their spirits, bringing contentment
to a stinging heart and soul perishing in the ocean.
Copyright 2013 – Barbara Kasey Smith – Use by permission only