Our world is at a pivotal point of crisis. A great recession is looming ahead and heading for an economic crisis.  Its precious resources are diminishing every nano second. We may ask, ‘how long will world water last’ or ‘how long will petroleum be available to meet our numerous needs.’

It won’t be long before these vitally important resources become scarce and cost much more than precious metals.  It is also possible that wars may be fought for control of these fast diminishing resources.  

Where is all this leading to? Isn’t it time we realize that education is a priority and gear towards educating the uneducated. Even today, vast amount of these resources are being wasted due to non awareness and lack of education.

If we take time to examine the teachings of world religions, we will find the teachings are similar. Each of the Great Masters taught us good habits and none of them said that waste will make us rich in wealth and spirit. Why then don’t we follow those teachings and conserve what we have and make it last just that bit longer. 

I do think that religious leaders around the world have the power to educate and lead their congregations against what they believe to be morally reprehensible, and to acknowledge what they find morally responsible.

Olivia Werapermall: Throughout my career I found myself writing to support the numerous roles I played. Now that I am retired it has led me to writing for pleasure.
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