Some facts & tips which may help you to earn & save your Adsence & account .

1) Never reveal your identity through your blog or websites on which you have placed Adsence or any other website ads . Since people intentionally click many ads in one day to terminate your account or it might be possible your friend thinking that by clicking many ads for you can help you & in both ways your account will be terminated .

2) Never change the URL of your blog or website if there are multiple clicks in one day because that can make your blog or website scam .In that case remove the ads for few days & than place the ads on your website later.

3) Never give your website or blog URL on Yahoo or other messenger to your friends & ask them to click the ads because Adsence monitors every click.

4) Contact Adsence if you have doubt about fake multiple clicks & inform them .

Ranveer Vikram: Hi , I am a business man but love to read & share info. I am here to read & write great information
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