June 26th News Release from Acer’s Web site :
Acer announces that its application to become an Applicant Member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) has been approved, highlighting the importance of a structured social and employment endorsement.
In his membership application letter to the EICC, Acer’s Senior Corporate VP and President of IT Products Global Operation, Jim Wong, noted that, "As a major global IT company, Acer is fully committed to the principles of corporate social responsibility. We believe you will agree that Acer’s commitment to CSR is in accord with the vision and goals of the EICC."
Vision: By applying high standards we can create better social, economic and environmental outcomes for all those involved in the Electronics and ICT supply chains. This includes increased efficiency and productivity for customers and suppliers, improved conditions for workers, economic development and a cleaner environment for local communities.
Mission: To deliver these benefits through a shared approach to implementing the EICC Code of Conduct. This approach will reduce duplication, focus efforts on positive social and environmental change, build supply chain capabilities in social responsibility and employ a process that solicits feedback from stakeholders.
Acer commits to progressively align its own operations with the provisions of the EICC code of conduct and to support and encourage first-tier suppliers to do the same. Wherever possible, Acer will seek to adopt the EICC approach and tools in practical ways in the spirit of the industry’s common goals.
In summary, Acer is fully committed to active collaboration with the EICC membership and with our suppliers to advance the EICC’s mission and vision. We will periodically report our progress in implementing the EICC’s program and in achieving improved social, economic and environmental outcomes for our customers, suppliers, employees and all our stakeholders.
The EICC Code of Conduct is a code of best practices adopted and implemented by some of the world’s major electronics brands and their suppliers. The goal is to improve conditions in the electronics supply chain. Development of the Code was a multi-stakeholder effort, influenced by internationally-recognized standards.