Addiction treatment centers often offer addicts and alcoholics treatment plans designed to stay clean and sober. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, treatment plans center on the focus of each patient living a satisfying and fulfilling life as well.
Addiction treatment centers are specifically designed to introduce an alcoholic or addict to a clean and sober way of life. Through various treatment plans offered, the addict is given tools to deal with living life clean and sober, however oftentimes, including Virginia treatment centers, addicts aren’t given the chance to experience to see a better way of life while in recovery.
At 12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida, each patient is not only given the tools and resources necessary to stay clean and sober, they can start to experience how good life can be right on site, with a variety of extracurricular activities planned throughout each day during their stay.
With its beautiful setting right on the water, patients have the chance to experience recovery as a better way of life. While the focus for each patient is on staying clean and sober through time-tested recovery methods such as the 12-step process, group sessions and individual counseling, patients can also incorporate many fun activities throughout their day as well. Mornings are spent on activities such as fishing, snorkeling, visiting the beach, kayaking, surfing and personal gym time.
After each patient undergoes intense one on one counseling followed by group sessions, patients at 12 Palms Recovery Center are then given their own personal time to do with what they wish—attend outside AA or NA meetings, meet with their sponsors, sit with family if approved by staff. While Virginia treatment centers may offer a variety of great treatment plans, at 12 Palms Recovery Center, patients are encouraged to incorporate fun daily activities into their lives.
Addiction treatment centers are well-versed in how to keep an addict clean and sober, and Virginia treatment centers are no exception. However at 12 Palms Recovery Center, every single patient gets the chance to experience all the great things that life has to offer while they are in recovery. No one at 12 Palms Recovery Center is forced to do anything they don’t want to do, but they give their patients the option to start living and enjoying life in the way that they should.
For addicts in recovery, a clean and sober lifestyle is not a sentence—it’s a new lease on life. 12 Palms Recovery Center shows addicts how good life can be with the combination of proven recovery plans mixed in with a fun lifestyle.
Addiction treatment centers teach addicts the tools necessary to stay clean and sober. 12 Palms Recovery Center not only gives their patients the tools, but allows them to experience all that life has to offer with those tools. For more information on the services offered by 12 Palms Recovery Center, please call 1(866) 331-6779.