administration sees foreign hand behind Jamrud mosque suicide blast



Administration sees foreign hands behind Jamrud mosque suicide blast

            PESHAWAR, Mar 30: The political administration of Khyber agency, while holding neighboring country responsible for the Jamrud suicide blast and other terrorist activities, have alleged that foreign countries were providing financial and logistic support to local militants.

            Addressing a press conference at Frontier Corps Fort at Jamrud in Khyber Agency on Monday, Political Agent Khyber Agency Tariq Hayat Khan and Brigadier Fayaz of Frontier Corps briefed media men about the Jamrud operation and the current situation in the area.

            On this occasion, heavy and small arms recovered from the militants during the ongoing operation, light artillery, mortar guns, huge cache of hashish and explosive material with an Indian Insignia were also put on display.

            Apart from displaying Indian origin explosive material and 30 tons of hashish, light machine guns, light artillery, kalashnikoves, kalakoves, rocket launchers, mortar guns, cartridges and shells were also exhibited.

Briefing newsmen, Political Agent Tariq Hayat said according to investigation by our technical expert of Jamrud mosque blast, the gory incident was planned by Taliban and the neighboring country was its perpetrator.

“According to the report of the laboratory experts and other investigation agencies it was a suicide attack wherein 56 people were killed,” he added.

Tariq Hayat said that the administration have evidence about the suspected perpetrators of Jamrod suicide blast adding that unfortunately they were made puppets in foreign hands.

He asked the militants to lay down arms or fight openly adding that the militants were supported by neighboring country and they were being used for their vested interest and were taking the country towards destruction.

            He expressed the resolve of taking revenge for the martyrs of Jamrod Mosque saying that it was the worst example of barbarism and cruelty wherein innocent people were targeted.

            About the ongoing operation against militants in the agency, Tariq Hayat said

the operation would continue till the last militant and anti-state elements were flushed out of the area adding that the security personnel were equipped with all type of weapons.

Moreover, they added that if needed gunship helicopters would also be used in this operation.

            During the operation 39 saboteurs were apprehended and many houses were razed to ground, he informed.

            PA Khyber Agency Tariq Hayat said that the operation was launched for the stability and protection of country and vowed that it would continue till the objectives were achieved. Some important militants were arrested by security forces and investigation was underway, he continued.

However, he added that nothing could be said about these suspected elements at this stage as this was premature and could effect the operation. 

            Brigadier Fayaz Qamar of Frontier Corps said that calls of Taliban commander Nazeer were tapped during which he inquired after the number of dead in the incident.

            He said that the house of commander Nazeer has been demolished and efforts were underway to arrest him.

            Brig Fayaz said that Pak- Afghan road was completely safe for traveling adding the lives of innocent people were made safe due to this operation purging the area of suspected militants.





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