Advanced Spelling and Grammar Correction Method

1888PressRelease – The Ghotit 2-step correction process for people with dyslexia who want to increase their typing speed while still producing error-free text.

It’s known that the best text correction for people with dyslexia is done by human proofreading. However, if we adopt this approach, those with dyslexia will never gain their writing independence.

There are three major assistive technologies that enable writing independence:

1. Spelling and grammar checkers
2. Word-prediction software
3. Dictation software (speech to text)

Each one of these technologies has its own pros and cons. Spelling and grammar correction, if designed for people with dyslexia and dysgraphia, i.e. Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3, corrects spelling and grammar errors, including punctuation and real-word (misused words) errors. This technology achieves the best results as it is the closest to the human corrections process: it analyzes the entire text, “understands it”, and then corrects with knowledge of the entire context.

Unfortunately, for many people their writing problems start with the very typing of the text. Their typing is extremely slow. Spelling and grammar correction technology cannot help with these typing issues. Word-prediction and Dictation technologies were designed in part to overcome this “typing limitation”, and they are very helpful in enabling a user to type text at a quicker pace.

However, even the best Word-prediction or Dictation solutions developed with grammar and phonetics awareness (i.e. Ghotit Word-Prediction, a part of the Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3), their texts written or dictated are known to contain the following types of errors:

1. Misused words (real-words spelled correctly but placed out of context);
2. Grammar errors;
3. Lack of appropriate punctuation and punctuation errors.

The reason for this partial success is because Word-predictors and Dictation software have the knowledge of only what was “just written” or “just said”. They are not aware to the context of the full sentence or the next words of the written or spoken sentence.

Some examples:

By the most advanced products. -> Buy the most advanced products.
Buy the way, just go forward. -> By the way, just go forward.

There is a whole in the ground. -> There is a hole in the ground.
There is a hole new world behind. -> There is a whole new world behind.

In the above examples, the word prediction and dictation solutions will recommend misused words for the currently written word. The reason is that these technologies do not have visibility to any of the words written following this current word.

Ghotit recommended methodology for correcting text for people that have typing challenges

1. Create your text by using your favorite Word-Prediction or Dictation software (you can use Ghotit Word-Prediction, sold a part of Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3)
2. Following, correct the text you created by using Ghotit phonetic and context speller and grammar corrector.

Following this 2-step process, the a user will be able to type quickly while producing text that is free from spelling, misused words, grammar, and punctuation errors.

About Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3
Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3 is an integrated writing and reading solution comprising several advanced assistive technologies tailor-made for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia and other specific learning disabilities. The solution helps children and adults with dyslexia and dysgraphia to write, read and correct texts in any application and includes:
• Word-prediction with grammar and phonetics awareness
• Context-sensitive and phonetic spell checker
• Advanced grammar and punctuation corrector
• An effective proofreader
• Speak as you write (speech feedback)
• Integrated dictionary
• Reading assistance with dual highlighting

Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 3 can be used with any text editor or as a simple to use “Dyslexia Text Editor” at Windows (including tablets), Mac, Linux, and Android (tablets and smartphones).

For additional information visit Ghotit web site at http://www.ghotit.com

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