If the basis of competition for brands and services campaign is largely on intimation for local and global challenges, a world tending towards quicker solutions will head. Several challenges exist around the world, more come up suddenly or gradually as solutions go in offensive to them.
It is usually with leaders to effect these solutions after protraction from debates and arguments. Concerns of the people are sometimes considered and included, protection for time to come and available resources are also considered, but disconnection between policies of leaders from the real world cannot be denied.
This may not be the fault of leaders, their advisers or consultants, but it’s a defect that can be filled by cognitive competition. For short and long term challenges facing the world or a region, media campaigns can subsume suggestions in the process of promoting a brand; this will boost sales and widen options for solutions.
Broadcast for such campaigns will have a region or near-region wide coverage of places concerned to ensure that decision makers see them; these campaigns are not expected to magnify or talk the problem, but to mention, suggest and promote the brand. Once knowledge is let out of the bag, how far it will go or what knowledge it will produce is immeasurable.
Adverts have come as entertainments, information, suggestions and fiction, but this time and period, advertisements should come more with solutions. To suggest a tip and market a brand should not be deeply tasking for advertising agencies with works as wonders in the past.
Solutions might be controversial, brands may be afraid to get embroiled in such, but if it is simple, suggestive and promoting it will not bring the hammer on the agency or brand by authorities or the people. Some examples are presented.
> For an advert of a potable, two people can debate climate change as a supporter and skeptic on the street in thoughtful words that attracts a listener; the listener with knowledge of the phenomenon can ask the supporter a question from his answer and answer a question of the skeptic, he can ask them if their time permits to a drink where the potable will be served, so they drink as he shares more knowledge with them as a neutral.
> In a middle school class of chemistry on a lesson of chemical reaction equilibrium, where reacting elements on the right balance products on the left. A student can link the balance to raising the debt ceiling and tax-increase, the next question from the teacher maybe what do you think? Students will respond in talks suggestive to the United States Government to cut debt and raise revenue on a long term.
> Precautions of benefit can be discussed by experts on an airline campaign for those with certain incurables and excerpts of talks to heal hearts may follow in an after prayer discussion of faithfuls in a brand campaign towards Arab spring solution. There is possibility with this line of campaigns to promote and suggest while staying within the walls of advertising ethics.
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