Categories: World

Afghanistan votes despite wave of attacks, 26 deaths on Election Day

Reports are streaming out of Afghanistan today that many voters were not intimidated in the face of constant threats Thursday, casting their ballots in the Afghan Presidential Election.

Voter turnout is expected to be down from the last election, as several polling stations were closed down due to threats and attacks, Bloomberg reports. Afghan officials say that dozens of attacks took place on Election Day and killed 26 people, yet the election was still carried out.

Voice of America correspondent Steven Herman is in Kabul and has provided a series of updates on the latest numbers and information:

  1. W7VOA Pres. Karzai has begun speaking in Kabul — it’s being nationally televised live. #afghanelection
  2. W7VOA Karzai: There were 73 attacks today. #afghanelection
  3. W7VOA Karzai: Afghans “dared rockets, bombs & intimidation” to vote. #afghanelection
  4. W7VOA Afghanistan says election day violence killed 23 people. #afghanelection
  5. W7VOA Afghan gov’t: 26 people were killed today in election-related attacks: 9 civilians, 9 police officers and 8 army soldiers. #afghanelection
  6. W7VOA Afghan Defense Ministry: 135 attacks were carried out against the election. #afghanelection
  7. W7VOA Afghan National Security Director says attack on “major hotel” in Kabull, takeover of ministry buildings by Taliban foiled. #afghanelection

Others in Kabul provided additional context on the election.

  1. jeromestarkey Taliban shadow government alive and well in polling day http://tinyurl.com/lkej54 #afghan09 #afghanelection
  2. kabulistan RT @pajhwok. “No security event has stopped the election process yet” – Zamarai Bashari, spokesman of Interior Ministry #afghan09
  3. borhan Im just back from mosque in outskirts of Kabul, i called on the worshipers ‘who voted’. It appeared that four out of scores voted. #afghan09
  4. tomafg Bloomberg reckon 6,200 out of 7,000 polling stations operated today http://bit.ly/WuTnv #afghan09. Could’ve been worse!
  5. pajhwok Karzai says in press conference that there were 73 attacks in 15 provinces today #afghan09
  6. pajhwok Police arrest rocket attacker in Jawzjan #afghan09 http://ow.ly/kIy5
  7. kabulistan Afghan journalists/colleagues and friends are quite proud of the #Afghanelection, #afghan09.
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