African + American = Proper Slur

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Some honest talk about RACE. Growing up as a dark skin sista I was no stranger to being called names because of my complexion. I was called many names such as Blacky, Spook, Monkey, Kunta Kinte, Tar Baby and many more. But I was also called "African" as if it were some kinda slur. Out of all the names that proved problematic being called an AFRICAN in a negative way played a large role in why I embrace the label "AFRICAN American". I call the label AFRICAN American a "proper slur". In this video I explain why.

Desire Grover: I was born in Bronx NY, raised as a toddler in Topeka Kansas, reared up as a preteen in Decatur Georgia, toughened as a teen in West Philly and softened as an adult in Chester PA. My passion for citizen reporting has grown in leaps and bounds because it meets the needs for free speech and activism in my community and abroad.
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