After Two Red Cards, Our Referee Produced A Gun.


   After red-carding two players, one from each team, a referee at a footbal match was surrounded by players and angry fans. He ran to his car, took out a gun, and fired two warning shots in the air. Then, he surrendered at a police station.

   This incident happened in the town of Rengit, Batu Pahat, Johore. It was a league match, at district level, and the organiser invited a policeman to be the referee. Of course he knew the game and its laws. However, he was not a licensed referee.

   To officiate a fooball match, even a friendly match, one must be a licensed referee. The Football Association of Malaysia or FAM is the governing body.

   When the two players were red-carded players from both team showed their disapproval by surrounding the referee. Sensing that something was amiss, the fans also took part. When his excuses and explanation was not accepted, this referee thought that enough is enough. He ran to his car and produced a gun. Sensing that the crowd will not break up or back off he aimed the gun up and pulled he trigger, twice.

   Officials from the FAM and the organizing committee were there. They tried to intervene and cool the situation but to no avail.

   Johore Police Chief,Datuk Hussin Ismail, told the press that this officer feared for his life as the crowd were really unruly.

  "We are investigating. everyone connected with the incident will be contacted and explanations will be sought out. This officer will also be investigated,"Datuk Hussin said.

  What made the day more dramatic was the fact some family members of the players detained tried to force the Police to release the players. Only after lengthy persuasion were they willing to leave.

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