U.S. intelligence officials are “concerned about members of Al Qaeda in Iraq moving into Syria to assist the rebellion”, according to the Los Angeles Times (see article: Lawmaker: U.S. sees no sign of Assad’s grip loosening in Syria http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-rogers-syria-assad-20120401,0,2710043.story )
This comes amid reports that the US will arm, equip and use taxpayer dollars to “pay” the rebellion to help oust President elect Assad from power (See article: U.S. Joins Effort to Equip and Pay Rebels in Syria http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/02/world/middleeast/us-and-other-countries-move-to-increase-assistance-to-syrian-rebels.html
NATO recruits and trains Mujahideen mercenaries
Mercenaries from Arab countries are operating within highly trained terrorist brigades, financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In this regard, Israeli intelligence sources (August 2011) point to the direct involvement of NATO in the recruitment of jihadist "Muslim Volunteers", in coordination with the Turkish military:
"Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (,http://www.debka.com/article/21255/ Debkafile, August 31, 2011 emphasis added)
While US intelligence officials speculate whether or not Al-Qaeda is in Syria – in Homs, the Al Qaeda Faruq Brigade (which includes mercenaries from Libya and Iraq) have been involved in terrorizing the civilian population. They "have succeeded in expelling most of the Christians in Homs and have seized their homes by force”. "Snipers were stationed in the street … shooting at people and preventing some from leaving their homes. In some cases they were targeting passers-by and cars and anything that moved in the streets, the terrorists also robbed houses, committed massacres and kidnapped people off the street."
The shocking video of the twin Suicide bombings in Syria, Damascus recorded by Al Qaida Terrorists in Syria and uploaded on their web sites” have been verified. See proof “Al-Qaeda also claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in Damascus” (source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU9vRPd4SpQ ).
You can even verify this fact by going to the website yourself.
“What more proof do you need that al-Qaeda is operating in Syria”, says Thomas Dunn a counterterrorism expert in Charlotte, N.C. "The evidence is crystal clear. It is all open source on the web", he said.
Robert Tilford