Slows down the activity of the brain.
Contains absolutely no nutrients.
Does not help relieve tension, induce sleep or solve problems.
According the Government rules, what is the legal age of Drinking alcohol? Is it 18 years?
But new reports stated that the free culture spoils the youth and the average age that youth taking alcohol is getting down to under 15;
Confirming that underage drinking and driving is a growing menace on the Metro roads, according to a Police higher Official.
A student counsellor in a school admits that roughly 40 percent of students from class seven to ten regularly hold parties either at restaurants or at their homes and consume alcohol.
According to a survery 70 million alcohol users estimated in India. Percapita consumption of alcohol increased by 200% from 1978 – 2008.
Branded liquor accounts for only 40% while the others are in the form of country liquor.
Alcohol consumption generates Tax to the governments which is a major share in the income.
Only 4 States out of 28 States in India Gujarat, Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland holds Prohibition on the alcohol.
3 – 45% expenditure of household is spent on the alcohol.
Alcohol is a depressant drug that